party time

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Jeff had to admit, he was enjoyign himself.

At first the looks and the things said under every guys breath were annoying, but after a while he started to liek it. the attention he got was amazing, and every now and then he felt a guy brush his hand across his ass by accident.

ofcourse, Jeff was increasingly drunk, as without the drink he probably would have cried, or spent the night int he toilet. or maybe both.

he had decided the dance floor was a good idea, and he was dancing with his mom and dad as if he had been a girl all his life. Seeing lucy with vicky doing the slow dance at the end was depressing, but he knew he would be back to normal tomorrow, or soon, and besides, a guy called james had practically forced himt o dance with him. he now had his drunken head on his shoulder, as some cheesey song whittled the night away.

Jeff was to drunk to notice that james had had his hand on his ass the whole dance, and kept kissing his neck. he was drunk and didnt care. heck it was onyl one night.

Jeff woke with a start. The room was spinning, and he swore he had the strangest dream he hadused his machine to swap bodies with his sister.

he sat up and realised that he was still wearing hsi dress from last night.

his dress?!

He realised it was true, he had, and he had danced with james, and then... and then...

oh no, he had actually gone outside the club with him and made out. he was hung over and ready to be sick, this thought wasnt helping. at least he still had his panties on, which is more than he could say for his bra, as it hung out of his purse on the pillow, and the tell tale weight of the large mammaries hung from his chest.

he got up, staggered thru to the bathroom and went to pee. he realised that he would have to sit down only after spending a secodn to look for his cock.

he pulled the silky underwear from the lip of his vagina, and loved hwo it felt, he stood, whiped, and then went back to bed. Feeling so grim, he knew only one thing would cheer him up, he tried so hard to think of vicky as he masturbated, but his mind wandered back to james. 

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