make a date

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Jeff rummaged through a few of the draws and found a very delicate necjklace, he nearly gave up trying to put it on, but eventually he managed it, and the heart shaped diamond rested on his sister cleavage perfectly. Finally after a bit of thought he decided on perfume. Just as he sprayed it on, his sisters cell phone bleeped.

Shocked for a nervous second at the thought of someone discovering him beign this way, he calmed himself down and found the phone in one of his sisters purse bags.

*Hey lucy, this is rick. I hope I haven't offended you or anything, yesterday at the mall you seemed to be avoiding me. Everything ok? How about we go for a drink tonight?*

jeff was sitting on his sisters bed crossed legged and caressing a breast. He decided to reply.

*Hey rick, i wasn't feeling to well yesterday, sorry if i hurt your feelings. It would be grat to have a drink later on tonight. Say pick me up at 8?*

Rick replied with a happy agreement. Despite his sister being irresponsible, he didn thtink setting her up with a guy she liked so much would be too bad a thing. Plus he would hopefully be making the most of vivky before 8 came around.

He put the phone back on his sisters dresser and stood up again. He pulled his dress down a little to fix it and admired himself. Well, best get a little more manly for when lucy gets back. He started to remove his shoes but decided to keep the necklace on. He liked how it drew attention to his chest in a weird way. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now