The Chronivac gone

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Jeff had rushed downstairs to meet his siter who was red in the face, but seemed happy to him.

"Where have you been!?" she asked desperately "Mom and Dad have taken off with the machine, I've been looking for you all over the place!"

"What?" Jeff was shocked, after the last escapade his mom and dad had performed with the machine, he was surprised they would go anywhere with it.

"Read this" Lucy thrust a letter into his hand, and jeff glimpsed over it:

'Hey kids, your mother and I have checked into a hotel and will be gone for the week, sorry for taking the machine, but it has really helped us with our relationship. I've left some money for you on the kitchen side board, and we will see you in a week's time.

love dad and mom.'

Jeff looked up to lucy with panic in his eyes. "Ok Lucy, has everything been sorted with you and Vicky?"

"Yes jeff, she isn't pregnant, and I think it's over between you and her, but you might be able to patch it up with her given some time. I'm really sorry but I think it might be for the best for you two anyway..."

"No, no that's fine" jeff interrupted, suddenly his mood had changed from feminine happiness to depression "Let's just swap back ok, we can still swap even though they have the machine"

Lucy's eyes lit up and she nodded and agreed.

"Ok, we both just have to want to swap back right?" Said Jeff.

"Thats what the machine said" Lusy replied. They both closed their eyes and willed themselves so hard to change, eyes closed Jeff could imagine the familiar feeling off a penis between his legs, hanging out with his mates and kicking the football around. Lucy closed her eyes and thought of shopping, trying on new clothes and going shopping with helen.

With a smile on his face jeff opened his eyes and looked around, he immediately looked down at his body, and at the same time lucy seemed to be doing the same.

Both of them screamed. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now