change of plan

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"Lucy! Helen is here! should i send her up?" Jeff's mom shouted from downstairs.

It took a few seconds for him to realise she was shouting for him, and he struggled to answer back "NO MOM... Im err... Im getting changed, ill be down in a sec!" crap what did she want!?

Jeff stuffed the bikini back into the draw and rushed round for his skirt. why was helen here, had lucy made plans and forgot to tell him? whatever it was, he had to get rid of her fast. he did not make a convincing lucy.

He stepped into his skirt and pulled it up as it fit tightly over his hips and bum. He zipped up the back, and then grabbed a low cut vest top of the floor. Making sure he looked presentable int he mirror, he took a deep breath and walked out of the door. this was going to be interesting. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now