not too fast

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Jeff was in a daze, he wanted to pull away, but he loved the feeling of rick's hands over his curves. One hand was placed firmly on his ass, and the other seemed to be exploring his body, it was as his hand reached and grasped jeff's boob that he pulled away.

"No no... Im not sure..." Jeff panicked and rick let go quickly.

"Sorry lucy I just..." rick was red int he face and looked away.

"No rick it's me, I err..." Jeff tried to think of an excuse and suddenly the girlish thing he had ever said came to mind "I just don't want to rush anything right now, its been a really great date rick, let's do this again, only this time just the counter strike and the pizza." Jeff was hugging rick again and he was cursing at himself for giving such a smouldering look as he did so.

"That would be great lucy, how about this weekend? I can see about getting Alan party together, you could bring some of your mates ill bring some of mine"

"Erm, sure maybe..." Jeff suddenly realised that the only people he knew who played where his guy mates, and he couldn't ask them.

"Lets get you home anyway lucy, its nearly 5am now"

"Ok yeah, I'll just go to the bathroom a second, you get the car ready... hang on, you can't drive you've had a drink, and we won't get a taxi at this time."

"Thats a good point, you could stay here, don't worry, we have plenty of rooms."

Jeff realised there wasn't anything else for it.

"Ok rick thanks" 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now