Jeff and Lucy try and swap back to there right body's and genders

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Jeff went downstairs and saw Lucy lying on the couch, spooning with Vicki. Seeing that Vicki was still upset and Lucy looked tired and bored lying there in Jeff's body, when she saw Jeff, she whispered something in Vicki's ear and then quickly got up. Vicki moved to let Lucy out, and she ran to Jeff, grabbed his hand, and pulled him to the landing away from Vicki's view. She said, "Okay, we need to try and switch back again. Vicki is killing me. Her grandad died yesterday, and supposedly need's Jeff 24/7, who is me right now. and I can't handle her being this needy and upset!"

Jeff thought for a second and knew he wanted his old body back as well. It scared him how girly he was starting to act and how he was actually excited to be with Rick in this body. He missed his younger life with his girlfriend, who let him fool around with her all the time.

He smiled down at his old body and said, "Well, I guess we can try. I don't like how your body is making me act all girly and want to be with Rick, and fuck having this period... but I thought you were having a great time last night. Hearing what you were doing with Vicki through the walls?"

Lucy hesitated for a second, and went red in the face, and said, "Well... I'm not going to deny that having sex as a guy is amazing. I am going to miss that and not having every eye on me when I walk down the street is great. And yes Last night was amazing with Vicki being so down she let me do whatever I wanted to do to her. It was amazing! But I can't stand being a guy anymore. Your friends and all boys are dicks, and assholes at this age, and Vicki is just... too much. Are all girls like that? Because I really can't stand having to make her another lime and lemonade and having to deal with her constant whining about how unfair life is and all the problems she has that are not even that bad! So yes, I have had enough sex as a guy to be happy, and... and am ready to go back to my own body, a lot more than I was last time we tried!"

Jeff was definitely ready as well to turn back, especially after hearing what Lucy did to Vicki last night, which reminded him of how good sex is as a guy is, especially with Vicki.

So he said, "Okay, let's try again," and reached for his own hands, which Lucy had right now. and said, "Okay, close your eyes and think that you want your own body back and hope that it works this time?" They both did just that, and...

They both closed their eyes and concentrated on the desire to switch back. After a few moments, a surge of energy pulsed through them. Jeff thought he could feel himself changing but did not want to risk stopping it by opening his eyes. After the feeling stopped, they opened their eyes. Jeff found himself back in his own body, wearing amazingly tight jeans, and could feel a bra tight around his body. But he felt relief wash over him; he finally got his body back, and he was his 15-year-old self again. He felt between his legs just to check, feeling his soft cock and balls there, and smiled, happy to have them back.

He looked up at his older sister, happy that he had to look up at her now, and then quickly thought of Rick. He felt odd to say the least, but then he thought of Vicki's body and felt himself getting hard. He smiled, happy that he liked girls again, but still did not know what he thought of his feelings when he thought of Ricky. He felt not hard, really, but intrigued?

But whatever, he was a guy again, and his sister was a girl. He then looked and felt the clothes he now had on, which were really uncomfortable, and knew Vicki was just in the other room. If she came in, it would be hard to explain. So Jeff whispered, "We need to change clothes now. I don't want Vicki to see us like this."

Lucy smiled at him and said, "Why? You are the one who chose that cute outfit, and I think you look lovely." Jeff just sighed at that, thinking that even after getting her body back, she does not stop teasing. He said, "Well, the more you tease, the longer you are going to be making Rick wait." She gasped at that and said, "You were going to Ricky's?"

Jeff smiled, seeing she looked happily shocked, and said, "Yep, and I'm glad I'm in this body now, feeling kind of disgusted thinking I wanted his dick inside me!" Lucy said, "Well... too much information, but you're right. Let's swap clothes now, I don't want to screw things up with him" She started to pull off Jeffs clothes from her body, getting naked in front of Jeff, with him looking a little embarrassed seeing his sister's body naked in front of him, and said, "What are you doing!!" She just smiled and said, "It's not like you haven't seen and felt up this body a lot of times before, and I have done a lot worse stuff in your body, so just take them clothes off. I've seen it all before."

Jeff did not know what to say. She was right, but he still felt like it was wrong, but he pulled off the top and then found himself spending 2 minutes undoing the bra, with his hands fumbling with it, with it seeming now foreign to him once again. and then quickly pulled off the tight jeans and panties, with the jeans going inside out and covering his dick and balls with his hands quickly.

Lucy laughed, watching her brother covering himself, and looking embarrassed. She just stood there, not covering anything, and held out Jeff's clothes, which Jeff grabbed and quickly got changed.

Lucy was doing the same. After 10 minutes, they were in their own clothes, and Jeff sighed happily that he did not have to wear a bra ever again. And he said, "Well, you better get going. You are already late for Rick, and you better look at the messages on your way there, just so you know what to expect. And I better get back to Vicki, she must be thinking what we are doing." So Jeff just smiled at Lucy and walked back into the sitting room, seeing an upset Vicki, and said, "How are you feeling, babe?" with him getting behind her and began spooning her like Lucy was doing, feeling very happy to be able to do this again.

And Vicki said, "Better now that you're back... and I can feel that you are feeling happier, feeling your little friend is out to play."

Jeff did not know what she meant but then realized his hard-on, what he was getting with his hand resting on one of her breasts, and his hard-on was rubbing against her ass, and it felt so good. He had not felt this for a whole week! And he was defiantly going to have some fun right now, with him going in to kiss her.

But before he could kiss her and have some much-needed fun, the front door burst open, and Jeff and Vicki looked at what made the noise. Two Jeffs came marching in, looking mad at each other. One only had shorts and shoes on, showing off Jeff's body, and the other had a suit on that looked like when Jeff went to his aunt wedding a couple of weeks ago.

The first Jeff wearing the wedding suit walked upstairs, looking pissed, and did not even look at Jeff or Vicki, but the second Jeff in only shorts started to follow the first one but stopped and put the computer with Chronibac on the kitchen table. Then he saw both of them and said, "Umm... don't worry, honey, we are going to fix this when your father calms down!" and then he ran upstairs.

Jeff knew they must be his parents with his twin calling him Honey and saying his other twin was his father, but had no idea why they both looked like him. To be honest, he was just happy to be himself again and just dropped his head down, not wanting to care about what he just witnessed. But Vicki was in shock and said, "Jeff... wh... what just happened?"

Jeff just sighed and knew he was going to have to explain the "Chronibac" and will have to show her it to prove that it is real. So sex was off the table now, and he said, "Look, it will be easier to show you than try and tell you?" and got up off the couch and offered a hand to her, and she took it, trusting him, with him being her boyfriend for the last 2 years.

Jeff quickly explained what the Chronibac is and how it works and what he has done with it, but kept out that he was his sister Lucy for the last week and a bit, and she was him with Lucy sleeping with Vicki.

After explaining, Jeff sat down at the table in front of the Chronibac ready to use it and said, "So what do you want me to change to prove that I am telling the truth?" with Jeff still seeing some doubt in her eyes.

To be continued?


well this was made by probably more than 10 people, and if anyone want to make a continuation, feel free to do so, and this is free for anyone to take and do what ever they want to do to it.

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now