Oh man

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Jeff was sat playing half life in his room. With nothing else to do to pass the time, he had played for a few hours when suddenly his sisters phone rang. He ran into her room and answered "Hello lucy?"

"err... "

"I mean hello, lucy speaking" jeff corrected himself.

"Haha... hey lucy, its me rick, Ill be at your in 30 mins ok?"

"What, bit early isn't it?"

"No, we did say 8 right?"

Jeff looked at the clock ont he wall and it was 7:30pm. 'shit, were the hell is lucy' jeff thought.

"Sure rick, 8, i might be a little late though.."

"No probs lucy, I knwo what you girls are like, see you at 8 then"

"Yeah, us girls.. cya"


Jeff considered calling back and lying to him, but if he did that he would have ruined his chances for his sister. Plus she was obviously spending a lot of time with vicky sorting things out with her for him.


He jumped in the shower after stripping quickly, drying himself he realised that a part of him was looking forward to this. Dressing up and being seen in public and looking pretty hot.

"Mom!" Jeff shouted "I need some help get here quickly"

Jeffs mom ran up the stairs "Oh dear your not having a period are you ... oh..." jeff was in a dressing gown drying his hair.

"No mom, I have a date, and I need you to help me get this body ready for it in 30 minutes."

"With a boy?"

No mom, with a Yorkshire terroir, of course with a boy" Jeffs mom looked confused "Look just get some makeup ready and ill explain as we go along. I'm already late.

"ok, first let me get my hair dryer jeff, that wont dry quick enough with a towel. You get your dress on."

Jeff's heart sank a little when he heard his mom say his dress, but he didnt have time to have second thoughts, and he needed to look good or lucy would kill him. he pulled some underwear on and pulled his dress over his curves. Ok jeff, lets get started, his mom sat him down at the dresser and worked her magic. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now