Something New

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Jeff woke up the next morning feeling normal, well as normal as he ever did as a girl. Standing up, he still reveled in the feeling of his boobs shifting weight and bouncing around. He still couldn't get over how big they were. Again, he placed himself in front of the mirror and admired his sister's body, cupping his boobs and running his hands over his hips and ass.

Thats when his sister's cell beeped. Jeff picked it up from the dresser. Rick had just texted him asking him to come over. He has something pretty cool to show him.

Jeff decided it would be worth his time to go over. He still hadn't heard from his parents and his period didn't seem to be bugging him too much to keep him from going. He figured it would also help his sister with Rick, once they were able to switch back.

He called Rick up. "Hey Rick, I just got your message."

'Oh yeah, well, did you want to come over?'

"I would love to. Could you come pick me up?"

'Yeah, sure.' I'll be over in half an hour. Is that enough time?'

"That will be great Rick. I'll see you then."

Jeff hung up and then rushed into the shower. He had half an hour to get ready. After drying off, he picked out a pair of white panties and white bra. He made sure to put in a Tampax, just in case something would happen. He slipped on the bra, feeling the weight of his boobs get transfered from his chest to his shoulders. He looked over and saw his reflection in the mirror. 'Damn I am hot!'

He then put on a a pair of form fitting jeans and topped it off with his sister's white sweater

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