Beep beep

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Jeff woke to the sound of a mobile phone going off. He reached over to his purse and read a message from rick saying how good night he had had with him, he caught himself smiling but didn't care.

He pushed himself up and he noticed that he needed to change his panties and decided to have another shower. He wanted to feel bad about rick, but instead he remembers how he had commented on how he liked the skirt and top he had borrowed off his sister and decided to see what clothes his sister had similar.

He quickly showered and locked himself back in his room. he stood naked and loved how his breast hung from his chest as he looked for some new clothes and revelled in being naked and female and for the first time enjoying it. Deep down he knew it wouldn't last, and that he wanted to be himself again, but the threat of being a girl seemed to have faded, and he wanted to look good and woman like.

He pulled out some black panties and a bra, and slipped into them, he then searched for a skirt and a low cut top, his bra did not push his breast up, and he know feels comfortable showing just a little chest. Before he got changed, he found his sisters hair dryer and did his hair as best he could, he put a small amount of makeup and perfume on, and then finished his outfit, with his skirt and top. He was admiring himself in the mirror as he stepped into some low heel shoes as he heard the door close downstairs, hopefully his sister. 

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