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"Oh my God Jeff, cant you knock or something!" Lucy was trying to hide her erection, but it was stood up through her boxer shorts and the tell tale tissue was in her hand.

"Lucy, its the living room for gods sake" Jeff realised just how embarrassed he would have been to have lucy walk in on him liek this, and he looked up to avoid looking at his sister trying to hide her shame. but he realised lucy had the music channels on, and there was some woman wearing practically nothing strutting around. "Oh my god Lucy, your fancying women now!"

"Im not! no! just... get out Jeff!"

"Oh my god..!" Jeff shut the door and couldn't help but laugh, he felt sorry for lucy, but at least it wasn't just him having their current bodies make them act more towards their new gender, and he felt slightly better about his situation.

He sat in his sisters room waiting for lucy to come up to him, but after 10 minutes he realised she wasn't going to. He looked round 'I can either go down there in awkward silence, or i could...' well, he couldn't do anything. 'Well, i could tidy my room I guess'. Jeff walked round the room and picked up the clothes he had thrown around, and put the clean ones in draws, and the dirty ones in his laundry basket. Eventually lucy came skulking into the room.

"Listen Jeff, I just cant help it, I'm a teenage boy, and the hormones are insane. I see a... you know..."

"A fit bird" Jeff smirked, btu then tried to hide it.

"Yes, I mean no, I mean a good looking girl, and I cant help myself. Is it always like this?"

Jeff thought for a while "Yeah, mostly, but I don't just drop my pants and jerk off, its called self control. or if you want to jerk off, do it in your room and lock the door."

"Why would I want to ..." Lucy tried to look hurt but Jeff just laughed.

"Oh come on lucy, its great, guys do it all the time, i wish i could right now,"

"eww... jeff, dont be sick"

"I mean, i wish i was me again so i could do it to myself, its a great feeling!" Jeff slumped onto the bed and sighed. "Lucy, what are we gonna do, I hate this, im starting to act girly too."

Lucy was shocked with her brothers honesty but looked relieved "I know Jeff, i found myself watchin the football before. I wanted to watch it for the legs, but i was actually getting into the game more than the guys."

"Yeah, well, i kissed rick the other night, and i hate myself, but i like dit..."

"You kissed rick!" Lucy sat up.

"Yeah, i tried to set u up on a date, knowing we woudl swap back, but you were out till late, and i didnt want to ruin things with him for you so i had to go out.,,"

"So you shagged him!"

"What?! No! are you mad. Im not liek that, im not a slut..." Jeff stopped. "Oh my god, im not a slut cos im a guy lucy, i keep thinking of myself as a girl!"

"What!? what are you talkign about?!" Just then the phone rang downstairs.

Both of them stopped, andf looked at eachother. "Quick" jeff said "get it, it could be mum and dad!" 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now