Lucy's day

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Lucy had spent five minutes as Jeff, got changed and his friends and dragged her out, not only that but Jeffs girlfriend was with them.

She didnt want to give the game away, so when vicky held his hand and kissed him, she had to reciprocate. Eventually lucy was left alone with vicky, as the lads made leery comments, and lucy felt like a bit of a fool.

What would vicky feel liek when she found out though? Oh well, not really her problem, it was Jeffs.

Lucy and vicky were both sat on a park bench lucy holding vicky as vicky lay against her. Lucy was miles away with her thoughts when vicky suddenly grabbed her manhood, and asked "you seem to be thiking about somehtnig other than me Jeff, everythign ok?"

within an instant lucy was hard. She didnt realise how good it felt for a woman to be touching a mans dick, but she know knew why they thought about sex a lot of th etime. "Im fine vicky, im very fine now..."

"I bet you are Jeff, why have you gone hard? Is it because im rubbing it?" asked vicky toying with lucy.

Lucy just groaned with pleasure as in the secrecy of the park, she experienced her first jerkign off. 

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