first impressions

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"Well then, Lucy, Jeff" said their mother "we had better get ourselves in our proper clothes if we you are goign to be spending some time as each other"

Jeff suddenly relished the idea, and held his pants up. as he moved to make his way out of the room.

"Umm... im not too sur ebaout this now Jeff" said lucy in his body.

"Oh come on lucy, just for today, remember if we both say so we can always change back anytime" Jeff loved the sound of his new voice, and couldnt wait to try some of his sisters clothes on.

"Umm... ok i guess" Lucy moved away and looked round Jeffs room, and Jeff made a dart for his sisters room.

The first thing he noticed was that his sisters boobs were clearly very combersome. This was something he hadnt thought about before. He had to hold them with an arm as he ran as fast as he could to her room.

Inside he closed the door and looked round. His sisters room was usually off limits to him, and now he had a free reign to see what the big deal was.

first thng he wanted to do was try out some womens clothing. He removed his old clothes and checked his naked siste rout. This was pretty weird. She was pretty hot, and only now that he was her did he realise it. He picked out a matching bra and panties set from his sisters draws and set struggled witht he bra. Eventually hooking it up.

He wanted to try out a bit of everything, and so ensued a few hours of trying clothes on, of different sorts. He loved the feelign of the dresses. Together with a push up bra he displayed a great cleavage, and he looked every inch a sexy woman witht he heels on to boot. Eventually he walked out of his sisters room with a pair of tight jeans on and a low cut top. It was the first tiem he had had boobs, and a nice ass, he wanted to show them off as uch as possible.

"Hey mom where is lucy?"

Jeffs mom looked up over paper "Oh hey Jeff hunny, shes gone out with your friends." 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now