an unwelcome evening

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Jeff sat legs crossed at his sisters dresser. hed laid some of his guys clothes out on her bed, and was waiting for her to come home, probably as desperate to change back as he was.

He was wearing his bra and panties and a dressign gown, and was hoping to feel the familia r feel of a dick between his legs before this evening.

His mother had laid a surprise on him. He had totally forgotten about his uncles 40th birthday party tongiht. It was goign to be a room full of leering uncles and older men, and as much as the thoguht of dressing up made him feel sexy, he dreaded the idea of being seen liek this in public.

he was biting his sisters nails and groping one of her boobs with another. He was nervous.

Suddenly he heard the door bang, and he raced downstairs to hear his mom gretting his sister as if it was him. Even more worryign wa that vicky was with him.

"Jeff nearly forgot mrs patterson about the party, so i had to get changed really quickly, so we could get her in time, can i use your bathroom to do my make up?"

"sure hun, you knwo where it is."

"Jeff come intot he liing room and get your pants." said his mother.

Vicky walked past Jeff looking stunning. She had a short dress on, and heels, and as she greeted her ont he stairs, he watched her ass as she walked past him. 'man i cant wait to be me again'.

He padded into the living room where lucy and his mother where holding pants up against him.

"man, i bet that was hell for you lucy!"

"huh? what you mean?" said lucy pulling some pants on.

"In the park, hope it wasnt too akward for you. We can change back any time you like."

"Change back, are you kidding?" Lucy waited till their mother was out of earshot "i just spent the afternoon get jerked off, and she even went down on me. it was amazing. Plus her parents are away tongiht, so im staying there after the party... sorry, are you gonan need a hand getting ready?"


Lucy looked back shocked. "i thoguht you would have been enjoyign yourself, you know, doing stuff."

"well its not that great" said Jeff, "it was ok for a day, but i think i wanna go have sex with my girlfriend"

"I think you mean my girlfriend Jeff!" Jeff looked shocked "ome on Jeff, your being selfish, you wanted to swap so you could be all dirty and now it hasnt worked out fo ryou, you expect me to just change. I havent experienced it all yet, so you had better get used to it."

Jeff stood the gob smacked.

"come on, you need to get changed. and quick before lucy see's me helping you, i dont want her to think im gay!" 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now