pick up

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'think girly thought, think girly thought...'

Jeff was stepping gently down the stairs in his heels. He had his purse and a sophisticated jacket in the other hand, and he brushed his hair out of his eyes with another. His mom pulled him back before they got down stairs to the living room.

"Just remember jeff" She whispered "Your a young lady, they do not play with their own breast, or slouch or do anything liek that."

"I know mom, and thanks again" Jeff smiled and walked into the living room. His dad was talking to rick, but both stopped and stared as he entered the room.

"Um hi..."

"Hey lucy, ready to go?"

"Sure rick, whenever"

Jeff's mom and dad smiled at him as rick put his hand ont he small of his back to lead him out the house. Jeff's heart beat was ringing in his ears, and the clip clop of his heels ont he pavement as they lead to the car deafened him. Rick opened the car door for him, and he managed to slide in bum first without his dress riding up. Rick got in the drivers seat and turned the key. "You look gorgeous lucy" and started to move.

"Thanks rick" He blushed and pulled the hem of his skirt down. 'I hope i know what im doing he thought to himself as he looked nervously at his date. 

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