Not right now

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Jeff walked to the cupboard and took out a glass and filled it with water. He hoped he looked confident, but his heart was racing. He had no idea why Hi sister had split up with James, but he knew she had spent a lot of time upset about it, and he didn't want to find out why.

He drank a mouthful of water and suddenly felt a hand around his waste.

"Lucy, why don't me and you just..."

Jeff pulled away.

"What are you doing? Get of me James..."

"Come on Loose, I apologised ok, why can't we just try again." Jeff noticed how James was slurring his words, and he kept having to move James' hands off his stomach.

"Look, your drunk James, just leave me alone ok."

Suddenly lucy was int he kitchen door and was striding over to james.

"Get the fuck off him ok James!"

"Leave us alone Jeff, this is between me and you sister..."

"James, if you don't get out of here right now I'll call the police!" James looked up and jeff.

"Jesus Jeff, you sound like a girl, what's wrong with you we were only talking."

"Sure, you were James, now get the fuck out!"

Lucy forced all of jeffs mates and her ex out of the house, and came back into the kitchen, Jeff was crying, and even though she tried to comfort her brother, he ran past her and ran into his sisters room and locked it. All he remembered was falling asleep crying. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now