Helen again

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"Its for you, i guess" Lucy came upstairs with the phone and handed it to jeff. "No, its not your boyfriend, its helen."

Jeff felt a little sad, wanting to speak with rick, but took he phone.

"Umm, hey helen, whats up?"

"Where are you Lucy? we are all waiting for you."

"Waiting for me, where, why?" Jeff shot lucy an evil look but she just shrugged.

"Didnt you get my text? Me and the girls thought it woudl be cool to go the cinema, i just presumed youd come, you didnt reply as usual." Jeff was puzzled...

"I didnt reply, doesnt that mean i wont be comign?" jeff said confused, and then noticed his sister bury her head in her hands "Oh sorry erm, i was goign to come" said jeff thinkign on his feet "but im here with jeff, we had to do some housework for my mum" Lucy smiled at him and he knew he'd covered their tracks.

"well, why dont i come and pick you two up, I dont mind Jeff comign with us..." Jeff could hear girls giggling int he background.

"No, we are both still busy, sorry for not textin you."Jeff said.

"Its ok, right, we can pop round later hun, we'll watch the film cya."

"No no.. dont its..." Helen had hung up before he could say anything.

"You friend is a pushy cow isnt she!"

"She is lovely jeff, i dont mind her beign here."

"Thats cos you know she fancies you, me... you knwo what i mean"


"Look just help me get ready for them, we will stay downstairs, im not being left alone with a bunch of girls i am meant to know, but dont." Jeff slumped off the bed, and lucy talked to him prepping him about the comign gaggle of girls. 

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