After a log ride home

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Jeff was home, he opened his front door, and discovered to his annoyance that no one was in his house. He kicked off the sandal's ricks sister had given him to go home in and dropped off his laundry in the laundry room.

He went straight up to his room and looked round. No one was there, and the room seemed oddly empty. He pushed it out of his mind as he went to his sister's room and crashed out on her bed. It just seemed natural to go there and lock the door. What a night.

He lay there for a while and was thinking about Jen. He couldn't get her out of his head, and worse, if he wasn't thinking of her, he was thinking about Rick. He could still feel his hand touching his boob, and what was worse was that he liked it.

He lay there for what seemed ages and groped his boob, and his hand had wandered down to his groin. He felt girly, and was loving it, all thoughts of Jen had left his head as he imagined kissing rick. eventually he climaxed, and lay sleeping, dreaming happily of rick. 

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