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Jeff staggered into the house and took his knee high boots off. He slumped into the living room and pulled hsi legs under his bum as he sat on the sofa.

lucy was sat watching MTV and had only her pants a s t-shirt on.

"Where's mom and dad lucy?" said jeff.

"They went out for a drink, how did you day out go?"

"You know full well i hated it, we tried on some stupid clothes for no reason, and then some jock spent a half hour trying to get into your pants."

"You saw rick?" asked lucy, "did he say anything?"

"Huh?" jeff seemed surprised at lucy's excitement "I dunno he talked about his a car a shit load then tried to get me to go round his or something. I wasn't paying any attention to be honest".

"Jeff, that guy is hot! He has loads of money and he's gorgeous!"

"spoken liek a true red blooded male there lucy"

Lucy tried to give him an evil look, but he laughed it off as it just looked gay on his face. it was then it dawned on him.

"Why aren't you and Vicky shagging away, there's no one in the hosue so its a perfect time..."

"we had an argument about the pregnancy thing, she said she would take the test but couldn't believe how insensitive i was being about it"

"Oh, yeah..." jeff forgot about the pregnancy, and it reminded him he was still in this body till they found out. "Man, i really hope she isn't pregnant, i just can't do this girly stuff. I mean, periods and things, i had to fake i was on one today so helen didnt suspect anything"

Lucy looked at him "let's just swap back jeff, I think I'm ready now and you are..."

"oH NO" said jeff "If anyone is being a teenage dad its you. or if she wants a abortion then its you who holds her hand and splits up with her. Youd think after being a woman yourself for so long you be pretty clued up on safe sex..."

"oh just shut up jeff! I made a mistake ok!"

They both sat for a while in silence, and then jeff stodd up. He walked to the kitchen and back, and when he came back lucy was smiling at him.


"haha jeff, you wiggle liek a girl now!

"what!?" jeff could feel his face goign bright red "I had to, helen was beign a bitch and..."

Lucy was laughin enought o burst.

"Fine you dumb cow, i cant help this stupid body of yours!" He turned round, and stormed to his room by accident insead of lucy's.

"Oh shit!" he said aloud, "wheres the machine gone" 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now