this is cool

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Jeff was having a blast, it was abotu the 5th shop they had gone into, and helen had finally managed to convince him to try some stuff on for the 'next time they go out'.

Reluctantly he had wandered off into the changing rooms, and it was not what he was expecting. It was some trendy open dressing room, where girls half naked greet his eyes. Some where pretty plain, but a few were pretty hot.

He managed to struggle into a dress whilst his eyes wandered from girl to girl as they removed garments. This wasn't too bad at all. He stepped out quickly to show Helen, then went back inside.

Ofcourse neither of them bought anything, which was stupid to jeff, but they 'had ideas' as helen put it.

They sat down for a coffee and talked things over when suddenly helen spurted out with "oh my god look whos coming over" jeff went to look "no dont look!"

Before he knew it, two guys, he didnt even know sat down with them. They clearly knew them however, as helen went into girly flirt mode. He sat quiet for a while drinkign his coffee, whilst one of them was trying to flirt badly with him. He just shrugged it off, and they eventually left. "has Rick offended you lucy?"

"What?" jeff looked confused "Not that i know of no"

"well what was that about, you just didnt even try at all"

"Well, err... i dunno? treat em mean, to keep em keen?"

"Lucy you can be such a bitch sometimes" said helen smiling.

"well you know me" said jeff playing along. 'That and i didn't want that son of a bitch trying to fuck my brains out' he said to himself as they go put and headed for the car. 

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