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Jeff looked down to see his sisters breasts looking back up at him.

"Do you even want to swap back you stupid woman!" Jeff screamed.

"Don't be stupid jeff, of course I do!" Lucy was wide eyed with terror, just as much as Jeff.

Jeff stepped back, and closed his eyes "Just try again then!"

The pair of them tried several times, They tried putting on their original clothes they had swapped with, and even going back into Jeffs room to see if that helped. Eventually they were sat on Jeff's bed, and he started to cry.

"Oh my god im crying, I feel so stupid in this body lucy I just want to be a guy again." Jeff knew what he was saying but he felt over emotional and couldn't seem to stop himself.

"Listen Jeff, we both know this isn't working for whatever reason, and we both don't know where mom and dad could be with the machine." Lucy in her brother's body had put her arm around Jeff. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but for the next week we may have to be stuck like this, and it's going to be worse for you than it is for me."

Jeff sniffed and sat up and looked at his sister.

"Im not sure what your getting at here lucy" Jeff was totally non plussed about the situation.

"Well, when we first swapped I told you it would be good to swap for a week, i thought we would have swapped back well by then, and i think you did too."

"Yeah, after the first day lucy i was ready..."

"I know i know jeff, but its a lot easier being a guy at our age, a lot less responsibility, and that's why i said a week"

"I don't get it lucy, what are you getting at?"

"Look Jeff, if the machine swapped us exactly, and i think it did, I am due on my period in just under a week or so, which means that..." Jeff cut in.

"Im due on my period!" Jeff suddenly realised why his emotions about being a girl and Rick and his sister had been all over the place.

"Im really sorry Jeff, but you are having PMS, and there isn't anything we can do about it unless mum and dad come home..."

Jeff was wide eyed and looked down at his sister's belly and crotch in total disbelief "... Im... Im... going to have a period..." 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now