Driven mad

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"Oh my god lucy I passed"

"err??" Jeff was downstairs and helen was hugging him. He was tryign tohug her back but his mind wandered because their boobs were squashed so tightly against each other.

"Lucy! My driving test!"

"Wow thats great Helen" Lucy had walked into the living room with vicky "congratulations" She then hugged helen and then looked at jeff "Ill be upstairs in my room with vicky if anyoen needs me lucy". She and vicky rushed upstairs giggling.

"He hugged me..."

"Yeah, err. sorry about that..." said jeff trying to think of a cover up.

"Sorry? Oh my god this day gets even better!"

"It does?"

"Oh, you mean passing my driving test and getting hugged by your hot brother isnt good? Come on lucy!"

"Oh yeah, i guess" Jeff was dumbstruck, lucy never said helen fancied him, man, helen was pretty hot too. Hed have to explore this a little further when he had swapped back.

"Ok coem on, lets get your purse and jacket, we're going for a ride!" Helen dragged him upstairs and practically threw a denim jacket and a denim purse at him and dragged him outside. "Im not feeling too great to be honest helen, and im..."

"Lucy, you cant not come just for a ride? Ive just passed my test!"

"Ok, just a quick ride then hey?"

He had to slide into the car ass first, holding his skirt down amd swing his legs into the car. 'Im goign to kill lucy' 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now