getting ready

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"well for a start Jeff you cant wear those panties!"

Jeff was stood in his sister's room, in his sisters body, as she ran around in his, finding him clothes to wear.


Jeff was still shocked. "are you being serious with me lucy. what if i mess up and i embarress you!"

"Jeff, i think you will do fine. besides, if you embaress me, i just wont swap back."

"what!!" hissed Jeff.

"im kidding, here put these on."

Lucy handed him a silky thong, he turned round with his gown still on, and whipped his old panties off and quickly jumped into the thong. it settled nicely onto his crotch, and he felt depressingly girly.

Next lucy handed him a bra. Unlike his other bra, this matched the silky texture of his panties, and his large nipples tingled, and he also noticed, after clipping the bra up, that his boobs had been lifted so high it was uncomfortable.

he tried to turn round to complain but she was already handing him a dress, and threw some heels on the bed.

"your gonna have to get mom to do your make up Jeff, and here" she sprayed perfume over his heaving cleavage "you may get lucky who knows?" she smiled and headed for the door.

"ill send mom up, just get into the clothes."

"but i dont want make up..." Jeff trailed off and realised it was useless. He picked up the dress and stepped into it. It was black and figure hugging. It excentuated his cleavage, and settle dnicely on his bum.

It also didnt have a back, so he would have to be careful of where he would sit. he sat down and slipped into the heels, and then he heard a nocking at the door. Jeff beckoned them in thinking it was his mother, instead vicky came in.

"hey hun, can i borrow that lippy i used last weekend, Jeff loved it, i dont suppose its handy?"

"NO, i mean no, its not, ill see if i can find it and bring it down." Jeff realised he had tried to hide his boobs and himself from his girlfriend. he hated her seeign him liek this. If she found out now they would be wreked.

"erm, ok lucy... you ok..."

"yeah, im fine i just... im just in a rush... ill see u in a sec"

"ok hun, thanks for the lippy!"

as she was leaving Jeffs mother walked in dressed up and ready to go. she shut the door and commented about how long it takes girls to get ready .

"im not a girl mom, dont say that. I hate this."

"its ok Jeff, i think your sister will be done soon. must be strange for her to be kissing another girl."

before Jeff coudl answer his mother had started giving him a very uick crash course in make up, they did his haor, and his eyes and lips. and did somehting to his cheeks he couldnt remember, but by the end of it he looked gorgeous.

"ok Jeff, this is your purse, you have all your makeu in there, and you will need to touch at least your lips up. I put that lippy vicky wanted in your bag, give it to her as if it was a natural thing and for gods sake remember to keep your legs crossed, thats a short skirt your wearing."

"ok mom"

"oh and stop feelign your sisters breats!" his mom slapped his hand away "your a young lady at least for tongiht, you have to act liek one!"

Jeff stood up and pottered as best he could on his sisters high heeled shoes, he smiled as hard as he could when he passed th elip stick over to vicky, but he wasnt smiling half as much as lucy was as she had her hands on his girlfriends bum. 

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