blabber mouth

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Jeff was leaning on his hand against the window tryign to block out all the noise comign from helens mouth. SHe might be fit he thought, btu damn she can talk. So far she had mouthed on abotu her test, how she thougth she had failed, and then about how "jeff" had hugged her, and does he he think he might fancy her?

Jeff just shrugged and grunted.

"You dont seem yourself today lucy"

"Your right, im not" Said jeff angrily. Halen's face dropped and she looked all crest fallen "Im sorry helen, im just a bit... emotional"

"Oh its ok hun, i thoguht you it might be our time of the month so we are gonna try cheer you up! here we are!" The car suddenly stopped and Jeff looked around

"oh... its not my time of the month its... the mall!!"

"Yes, lts go shopping!" 

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