the change

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Jeff felt strange as his head seemed to vibrate a little, and long dark hair replaced his previous short mousey brown hair. His bone structure in his cheeks altered, and he felt his lips suddenly become fuller, and pout a litte more than usual.

Next his hands began to shrink and the hair on his arms seemed to dissappear into nothing, and his broad shoulders suddenly became slim and petite. Then he felt his pecs expand and he lifted his hands to his chest as he felt his breats become heavy on his chest, and fill his cupping palms.

He then noticed his clothes starting to become baggier as he shrank to his sisters size, and his stomach became flat and soft as the transformation moved down his body. Next he felt his penis pull into his body as his genitaliar transfromed into a vagina. This caused his hips to expand, and he felt his ass ecome round and much larger than it used to be.

The transformation stopped at his feet, as he looked down he noticed his fairly tight fitting jeans now hung from his waist, and his t-shirt now tightly displayed his nipples without the support of a bra.

Looking across the room, he saw his sister in his body wearing a very tight fitting skirt and crop top, and both looked at each othe rin astonishment. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now