It begins

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eff stood there for a moment struck dumb. He recovered his senses soon enough to avoid suspicion. "Vicki, whats wrong?"

"Jeff, I need to see Jeff!" She was adament. I turned around to see Lucy coming down the stairs. Before I knew it, Vicky was pushing past met to get to Lucy. I felt an elbow jab into my left breast. Oh my, I now understand why girls don't chest bump.

Anyway, Vicky and Lucy retreated to her bedroom to work things out, I presumed. Thats when female nature took over. I began to feel light cramps in my abdomen. 'Nuts, its started' I thought. I decided I didn't want to to live through too much at first, so I took some ibuprofen and then headed for bed.

I noticed as I was undressing and removing my bra, my boobs seemed a bit more tender than I was used to over the past few days. I'd heard that in some girls, their boobs actually got larger during their period. I figured this was normal and crawled into bed.

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now