FLASHBACK (part 1)

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[School - Nirvana]


I ran down the halls of my new school towards the first math class of the year. I forgot to set an alarm last night, so I overslept.

Mentally preparing myself for the glares everyone would give me, I stepped through the doorway and into the classroom.

Unsurprisingly, everyone's eyes turned to me as I accidentally let go of the handle and the door slammed behind me.

"Well there you are, I'm beginning to think that you were skipping school, young lady." The teacher spoke, glaring at me as if I'd just committed arson.

I stood there, completely frozen in place as I didn't know what to do or say. I hated that everyone's attention was directed at me, it made me uncomfortable.

"Go take a seat, quit wasting my damn time!" I flinched a bit as he raised his voice, I wasn't expecting that.

I hurried to the back of the room where the only empty seat remained, relieved everyone's eyes were off me.

Also very grateful that I was in the back, I hated the front row.

The teacher began to teach and my eyelids began to droop. I felt tired and eventually drifted off.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I opened my eyes. The teacher was facing the board. I saw a boy with black hair and glasses.

"Don't fall asleep, he might give you detention.." he whispered.

"Thanks for waking me up, I'd hate having detention, it'd be so lonely" I said a little too loudly.

Mr Johnson turned around in a flash and said "Don't talk in my class! And for falling asleep and being late, I'll have to write you a detention slip."

The boy gave me a look of concern.

Oh wow my day is going great. A teacher that already hates me and detention after school.

A couple more minutes of boredom pass by and I turn my head to look at the boy on my left.

His head is down on the desk and he appears to be sleeping.


But he tried to help me, and he seems nice, so I tapped his shoulder as he did to me.

He didn't budge. I tried again. And again.

"MR HAMMETT! Sleeping in my class is not acceptable! Looks like you're joining your friend over here in detention."

He finally lifted his head up from the desk and sighed.

When the class ended, Mr Johnson handed me and the boy (I still didn't know his name) the detention slips and we walked out.

"H-Hey, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Kirk Hammett" he said quietly. He seemed to be a bit shy.

"I'm Juliette Olsen. Nice to meet you." I smiled at him and he smiled back, revealing crooked teeth.

"You're such a hypocrite you know? Telling me not to fall asleep and then falling asleep yourself." I laughed.

He laughed as well.

"I was pretending to be sleeping to get detention. I was doing it on purpose."

"Why would you want to get detention?" I asked, this guy was weird.

"You told me you'd get lonely in detention, so I thought I'd join you." He spoke quietly again, giving me a shy smile.

"Dumbass move.." I playfully shook my head.

But deep down I appreciated it so much, it was real nice to have friends in this unfamiliar new high school.

"Dammit, we're gonna be late to our next class!" He suddenly said in panic.

We headed off to our different classes and the rest of the day went by.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my first fanfic ever :)))

I hope you enjoyed it and I'll try to update it as soon as I can, and have a nice day ♡

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