17. Valentine's Day

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[Mamma Mia - ABBA]
February 14, 1984

Valentine's Day was never really my thing. My relationships never lasted long enough, so I didn't really have anyone to spend it with.

Besides, it was a Tuesday and I was at work, so I couldn't really do anything special even if I wanted to.

A couple strolled into the shop, giggling as they stared at each other lovingly. I sighed as I continued staring at the bookshelves and zoning out from behind my counter.

The couple walked out of the store and I was left alone again. I'd decided to brush the dust off the bookshelves for what felt like the millionth time today.

The phone rang, and I rushed back behind the counter to pick it up. At least I'll be out of my boredom for a few moments.

"Hello?" I spoke into the receiver.

"Hey! Is this Juliette?" Kirk was on the other line.

"Oh hi, Kirk." A smile appeared on my face.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today, 'cause Lars and James are out doing who knows what, and Cliff is out buying something."

"You know, I wish I could but I'm at work, silly."

"I know that. Why else would I have called your workplace's number?" He laughed.

"Oh yeah." I mentally facepalmed.

"Anyway, what I meant to ask was, do you wanna have dinner together? Like outside, at a proper restaurant? I could pick you up after work and we could go. I know it's Valentine's day and we're not like, dating or anything but we'll just go as friends, it'll be nice."

Excitement shot through me and my smile grew wider. I wish we were dating though, I thought. But I would never dare say that to him.

"Yeah sure! Thanks Kirk, I'll see you later."

"See ya!" He said before hanging up.

I guess today wasn't gonna be that bad after all.

After a long day of watching couples waltz in and out of the store, and trying to stop kids from ripping up the magazines, I was finally done with work. I flipped the sign from 'OPEN' over to 'CLOSED' as I stepped out of the store, looking for Kirk.

I turned towards my left in search of Kirk.

"YO!" Kirk shook my shoulders from behind me as I screamed.

"Fuck, don't scare me like that!" I scolded as he burst out laughing.

"Oh fuck you!" I said jokingly when he wouldn't stop laughing.

"You sure you're alright with going in? It's kind of expensive.." I looked at the fancy french restaurant in front of us.

"When we were in high school you said you always wanted to try french food, so here we are."

"How do you remember that?"

"I remember things. Anyway, let's just go in, it's gonna be alright, I know how much you wanna try snails and crêpes." He grabbed my hand and walked into the restaurant.

A waiter motioned for us to follow him and he led us to a table, where we sat across from each other. He handed us two menus, filled our cups with water and walked away.

I looked at the menu. Kirk was right, I always wanted to try french food, but these types of restaurants were expensive. I took french as a subject in high school, so I knew enough to know what the things on the menu were.

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