21. Beach day

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It was mid October, and I had a few days off of work. The guys from Metallica asked if we wanted to go on a road trip. They didn't have any upcoming shows, so they thought it would be cool if we drove around to random areas and just had fun. Since none of us had a large enough car, we rented one for a couple of days. Unfortunately, there still wasn't enough for all of us, Metallica, me, Nancy, Violet and Maya. There was only room for six and we had eight. Nancy offered to not go, and Violet said she would join her.

So it was settled. Metallica, and me and Maya would go on a road trip for a few days, Friday plus the weekend.

"Come on, let's go!" I knocked on the bathroom door, waiting for Maya to come out. It was 2:27 PM, and the guys were coming to pick us up at 2:30.

The door swung open and Maya appeared in the doorway.

"Wow you look nice." I complimented.

"Thanks.." She smiled.

"This for Cliff?" I asked.

"Yeah.." She nodded, blushing and looking at the floor. I realized that we were running late, and we both bolted out the door.

We were just on time, as a white truck pulled up onto the street.

"Hey girls!" Lars yelled.

The door opened and we got inside. I sat in the backseat, next to Kirk, and Maya sat in front of me, next to James. Cliff was driving and Lars was up front, next to him.

"Hey." Kirk greeted as I took the seat next to him.


"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're headed to some beach with a motel nearby. It's a 3 hour drive, so prepare yourselves." Cliff responded, as he began driving.

"Don't worry, I brought snacks." Maya said, opening up her backpack and taking out a bag of chips.

"Thanks." James said, taking a chip. We brought the bag around, everyone taking a few, except Cliff, being occupied with driving.

"It's too quiet, can we play music?" Kirk asked.

"Yeah sure." Lars responded, popping in a random tape.

Soon we were all singing along, as we drove past the shops and onto the highway.

"I've been waiting so long.. To be where I'm going.." We all sang happily, driving on a highway with the windows rolled down.

By the time we arrived at the beach, it was around 5:30. The sun would set in about half an hour.

"I'm gonna bring all our luggage into the motel and check us all in, okay? You guys can go have fun on the beach, I'll be back." Cliff announced, opening up the back of the car and taking our stuff out.

"Do you need help? I can help you carry all that." Maya asked.

"Yeah sure, thanks. You're the best, Maya."

Maya blushed and took out some stuff from the trunk.

Me, Kirk, Lars and James walked onto the beach, looking for a spot to lay our blanket on.

"This is a good spot." Kirk pointed to a spot on the sand, and we all held the four corners of the blanket and laid it down. We all took off our shoes and socks and sat.

"Aaah.." James laid down on the blanket and stretched.

"Move outta the way man you're taking up all the space!" Lars tried to push him to the side but wasn't successful. He was right, James was hogging up all the space.

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