27. Bathroom floor

111 1 12

[How Deep Is Your Love - Bee Gees]

~Time skip~
9 months later
July 1985

"Could you do my makeup, Juliette? You do it way better than I do."

"Yeah sure." I responded, sitting down in front of Maya on the bed and opening my eyeshadow palette.

"Guys we have to go in like 5 minutes, it's already 7:08!" Nancy called from the bathroom, startling the both of us.

"Oh shit.." I heard Maya murmur.

"What?! I thought they were picking us up!" I yelled back.

"No they're not, we have to get there ourselves, so hurry up!"

I rushed to finish off Maya's makeup, while still trying to not make it messy, although her lipstick might get messy later anyway, if you know what I mean.

About 5 minutes later, we rushed out the door.

We arrived outside the club, the streets bustling with life under the darkening sky.

We showed our IDs to the bouncer and he ushered us in quickly. Behind us, the line of people was building up rapidly.

Colors of lights danced across the room, changing with the beat of the music. I hoped it wouldn't get too crowded later on.

Scanning the crowd for the boys and Violet, we spotted them sitting at a table, talking.

"Hi!" Violet greeted, standing up to hug Nancy and plant a kiss on her cheek.

"We haven't ordered anything yet because we were waiting for you guys." Kirk smiled, gesturing for me to take a seat beside him.

Everyone else ordered something to drink, aside from me. As usual, I didn't really enjoy alcohol. Cliff didn't drink either, being the designated driver.

"Truth or dare, Kirk." Lars asked, before sipping his drink.

"What are we, 11?" Kirk snickered.

"Just pick, come on." Lars rolled his eyes.

"Dare." Kirk reluctantly replied.

Lars smirked. "I dare you to go dance with Juliette."

"Just let me enjoy my drink!" He argued.

"A dare's a dare. Come on Kirk." Nancy urged, winking at me.

He sighed and got up. I felt my heartbeat quicken when he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor.

"I don't know how to dance." He said bluntly.

"It's okay Kirk, I don't know really know either." I laughed.

"Well I guess I have to do it for the dare.." He spoke quietly.

He put his hands on my shoulders and I slowly put my hands around his neck, swaying to the music.

The song ended and soon another slower song that I actually knew came on, How Deep Is Your Love by the Bee Gees. We started moving slower, and I felt him become more comfortable, moving around more freely and tracing his hands down my sides to rest on my waist.

I closed my eyes for a few moments, soaking all of it in, trying to preserve the memory in my head forever. The soft melody of the song flowing through my ears, and the person whom I'd give everything to have, dancing with me.

"Open your eyes, Juliette." Kirk moved his right hand off my waist to cup my chin and my breath hitched.

I stared at him, my heart feeling as if it would burst out of my chest. He looked so beautiful under the disco lights. He lifted both his hands off me for a second to tuck strands of hair behind my ears before placing them back on me.

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