10. Odd shaped cookies

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I woke up to the click of a camera, opening my eyes to see Nancy holding it, with all of the boys and the girl from last night standing around me.

"Shit-" I jolted upwards at the realization that I was sleeping on someone's lap.

"You looked real cozy there, huh?" James teased.

I got off the couch just as Kirk opened his eyes.

"What's going on-" He started before the photo from the polaroid camera developed and Nancy flipped it over to show him.

He turned a light shade of pink, and got up.

"I'm gonna go brush my teeth.." He said awkwardly, walking towards the bathroom and shutting the door.

"Who wants this fucker?" Nancy held the photo up in the air and asked us.

"I want it!" Lars screamed, reaching up for it.

"No, fuck off!" I yelled back, reaching for it.

Nancy dropped the polaroid, and for once in his life, Lars' height had given him an advantage.

He reached down and swiftly grabbed it before making a run for it towards his room.

"Get back here, you little shit!" I bolted towards his room after him.

Just before I reached it, he slammed the door. I quickly tried to open it, but to my disappointment, it was locked.

I heard laughter coming from the living room as I walked back in.

"Don't worry, Juliette, the next time we take a photo, you can have it." James patted me on the back.

"So where do you wanna go today?" Nancy inquired.

It was 2pm in the afternoon and we'd just finished having lunch, me and Nancy took them over to our place and cooked something for all of them since none of the boys knew how to cook. Aside from Kirk, who could only make simple stuff like noodles and eggs.

"Nowhere." James responded, getting comfortable on my couch with a beer in his hand.

"Come on, we have to go somewhere. You can't just laze around all day." Maya said.

"Yeah but we're tired.." Cliff looked Maya in the eye and her gaze softened.

"Let's make cookies!" The girl suggested. Over lunch, I learned that her name was Violet and she was James' sister.

"Great idea!" Maya nodded.

"How about you guys make the cookies and we'll just eat them." Lars suggested.

"Oh come on, don't be a lazy ass. I think that's a great idea." Kirk smiled.

"Alright let's go!" I gestured for everyone to get up and led them to the kitchen, Lars and James reluctantly following me.

"You guys are in charge of mixing the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt, okay?" Nancy instructed, pointing at Cliff, Maya, and James.

"You can mix the butter and sugar together, then add in whisked eggs and vanilla extract." She continued, pointing at me, Kirk and Lars.

"The measurements are all here, me and Violet are gonna preheat the oven and get the baking trays, I trust that you won't break anything!" Nancy pointed at a sheet of paper taped to the fridge with the recipe on it, and went to go heat up the oven with Nancy.

About ten minutes later, we were all done with our tasks and mixed everything together into a dough, then added chocolate chips to it.

We rolled the dough into balls and them pressed them slightly flat on the baking sheet.

I looked over to see James rolling the dough into a long tube and connecting it with two balls on top, next to each other.

I gave him a look and he smiled mischievously at me.

"You sure your last name is Hetfield? Seems more like Homofield to me." I remarked.

James chuckled and continued to shape other pieces of dough into that shape.

We were all sat around the table in the living room, eating the cookies and talking.

"So, when's your album coming out?" I asked them.

"We're thinking, sometime in the summer, hopefully by July." Cliff answered.

"Cool, looking forward to hearing it." I smiled.

I sighed as I waved to them and watched them leave. Tomorrow I had to go to work again and I wouldn't be able to see Kirk and the other guys.

◇ A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter is really cringe honestly. I am writing this around midnight on a school night and I'm too tired to read over it. I was stuck for a long time and didn't know what to write so I apologize for the slow updates. Anyway, I hope you get what shape James was trying to make with the cookie, I'm really bad at describing things. Thanks for reading my cringe and have a nice day :))◇

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