12. Fall to your knees.. for the PHANTOM LORD!

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[Phantom Lord - Metallica]

September 3rd, 1983

"Are you ready to fall to your knees.. for the PHANTOM LORD!" James growled into the microphone.

It was the last date of their tour, and they were back in San Francisco. They had given me, Nancy, Violet and Maya backstage passes but we preferred watching from the crowd. The energy in the crowd up front was just unmatched and I loved it, even if most of the people in there were sweaty men.

Metallica started Phantom Lord, my personal favourite off of their album. This was my first time seeing them play live and I was amazed. Of course, they were awesome on the record, but being in the same room and watching them just filled me up with some much joy and energy.

Usually, people would have more fun drinking at shows, but I wasn't really into alcohol. I didn't mind people around me drinking, but I just enjoyed being sober over drunk.

The girls and I went backstage as the show came to an end.

"You guys were awesome!" Maya exclaimed.

"Thanks! What do you say, should we go to a restaurant to celebrate another successful show?" Lars asked.

"Hell yeah!" James yelled excitedly.

None of us being rich, we usually didn't go to fancy restaurants and stuck to fast food and cheap grocery store bought stuff.

But as a celebration of the release of their album, and a good show, we decided to go to a proper restaurant for once.

"Why don't you have any meat?" I asked Kirk, seeing as he didn't have any meat on his plate.

"He's a vegetarian." Cliff answered for him.

"Oh, may I ask why?" I remembered him eating meat when I had known him in high school.

"Burger King.. Literally, work at any fast food chain and you'll want to turn vegetarian." He replied.

"Ah okay."

"This is boring! Can we talk about something else?" Lars cut into our conversation.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes at him, he got bored so easily.

"Let's play a game, who can make the best music related pick up line." He grinned.

"Actually that sounds sort of fun." Nancy said.

Everyone was silent for a bit, thinking about their pick up lines.

"Okay, here.. I love music because there's U and I in it." James said amusingly.

"Sorry James, but that's the corniest thing I've ever heard." Cliff chuckled.

"You come up with one then!" James challenged with a grin.

"Hold on, I have one.. Are you my bedroom? Because I want to spend the whole day inside of you." Cliff said, trying to keep a straight face, but grinning slightly.

"Damn.. I don't know about you guys, but I'm a bit turned on.." Lars responded.

Everyone started laughing.

"I'm kidding of course!" Lars exclaimed.

"Alright I have one.. Are you the phantom lord? Because I'd fall to my knees for you." Trying to hold in my laughter, I failed and burst out laughing with everyone else.

The customer on the table next to us gave me a dirty glare, but I ignored it.

"That's my favourite one, so far." Kirk smiled at me.

"Me too." Cliff said.

◇ A/N: Sorry if this chapter was pretty cringe. I also know that the fic is sort of boring right now, but I promise it will get more interesting in the later years. Most of the stuff for now will be filler chapters, but I'm trying to make them interesting (sorry for the cringe though)

I already have a plan for this fic, and it does get pretty interesting later on. Also, none of the pick up lines are made by me (I stole them lmao) except for the phantom lord one which I made up thinking it was funny. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day <3

By the way, feel free to comment as much as you want, I love reading comments ◇

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