23. Donuts

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I was a bit disappointed, to say the least when I didn't wake up to Kirk's warm touch, but instead, to me alone on the bed. But all I was to him was a friend, I didn't blame him for wanting to set that boundary.

The door of the bathroom opened slowly and Kirk walked out. "Morning." He said cheerfully, wearing a Black Sabbath top and black jeans.

"What time is it?" I asked, my voice raspy from just waking up.

"About 8, I found the others yesterday and we agreed to meet up at 10:00."

I nodded and pulled the covers off me to go to the bathroom and get ready. Kirk walked over to the bed towards his backpack. I was suddenly aware of what I decided to wear last night. Kirk didn't look at me at all, as he took out a horror comic and sat down on the bed next to me reading it.

I took some clothes and my makeup bag and went to the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it.

I gazed into the mirror and sighed. My hair was messy and I looked like shit. I brushed it out, deciding to leave it down for today. I started on my makeup, nothing fancy, just some concealer and eyeliner, the usual.

I smiled. I looked pretty good actually. My outfit was next. I put on a white tank top with the 'SEX PISTOLS' on it in black lettering that I had DIYed myself back in high school with paper stencils, tape and spray paint. After putting on my top, I slid on my bottoms, a plain black skirt, and a studded leather belt.

Exiting the bathroom, I saw that Kirk was still on the bed, reading the horror comic.

"Hi." He looked up and greeted me.


"There's about 2 hours before we have to meet them, do you wanna go somewhere?" Kirk asked, putting down the comic.

"Sure, let's go."

I put on my shoes and we stepped out of the hotel room, turning off the lights before shutting the door.

"Do you wanna maybe get breakfast?" I asked Kirk as we went down the stairs.

We left the motel and walked around on the streets for any place that was open.

"Hey I kinda want donuts." Kirk said all of a sudden, pointing at the donut shop I hadn't noticed on our right.

"Okay, let's go in."

The donut shop's walls were covered in pink wallpaper. It was empty except for one guy at the counter.

"Welcome to Dylan's Donuts, what would you like?" the guy at the counter greeted warmly as we studied the array of donuts sitting behind the glass.

"Just give us a minute, we're still thinking." I smiled at him politely.

I'd decided on the matcha donut, but Kirk was still thinking.

"One matcha donut, please." I told the cashier and gave him the cash.

"One strawberry donut, thanks." Kirk said and paid.

As we waited for the cashier to heat up our donuts, I watched him. He had long curly black hair similar but not exactly to Kirk's, brown eyes, a nice smile and a sharp jawline. Honestly he was kind of cute. The name tag on the black uniform he wore wrote "Marty". Cool name.

"Here ya go." Marty handed us the donuts in a paper box a few minutes later.

"Thanks." We both said thanks and took the paper box.

"Wait." Marty blurted as we turned around to leave.

We turned back at him as he suddenly looked a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry if this is a bit of a personal question, but are you two dating?"

I blushed and shook my head. "No, why?"

"Oh okay.. could I have your number, maybe? It's alright if you don't want to." He flushed nervously, directing the question to me but not daring to look me in the eye.

I was honestly flattered, no one had ever asked me that before.

"Yeah sure, do you have a pen?"

He handed me a pen and I wrote my home number on his arm. Before leaving, I told him I wasn't gonna be home for a few days, he nodded and said he understood.

"Thank you, have a nice day!" He waved at us and smiled.

"Damn, it's pretty impressive just walking into a random shop and getting a guy to fall in love with you." Kirk teased, before taking the first bite of his donut.

"Stop exaggerating, he wasn't in love." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Still, I could never." He joked.

"You sure could!"

"You think?"

"Listen, Kirk. There are tons of girls out there that will fall for you, don't worry about it. You look great." I really meant that.

"Thanks, you too. That guy is really lucky, you know?" He looked me in the eye sincerely, and for a second I saw something in his eyes I had never seen before. Then it was gone.

We looked at each other for a bit awkwardly, finishing our donuts. What did he even mean by that sentence? Was that a confession that he didn't see me differently? If that's what he truly felt, then why didn't he just tell me?

Kirk cleared his throat after taking the last bit of his donut.

"So.. do you like him?" He started, awkwardly.

"He's alright, seems like a nice guy." I answered.

"Cool." He responded plainly, and threw the paper box away.

We strolled back to the motel in silence. I enjoyed the cool morning air blowing around me as I strode.

That guy back there was good looking and nice, I couldn't lie. But I was too emotionally attached to Kirk, even if he didn't feel the same way, to ever fall for someone else. But maybe it was a good idea to see someone else and take my mind off Kirk.

"Where were you guys last night?" James asked me and Kirk in the backseat. We were off to a new and final location. James and Lars had talked about some good bars and clubs being in the area, but those places really weren't my thing.

"Oh, we were just in the water." Kirk replied.

"That late?"


"I wonder what you were doing.." Lars chuckled, raising his eyebrows.

Kirk just sighed.

"Does anyone want Cheetos?" Maya asked, holding out a bag.

◇A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'm on Easter break, so I will try to upload the other part of this day tomorrow. As always, thanks for reading, and don't hesitate to comment as much as you want, I LOVE reading comments. <3◇

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