11. Kill 'Em All

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~Time skip~

Saturday, July 30 1983

Metallica's first album, Kill 'Em All had just been released almost a week ago and the guys were on their first tour.

I was pretty disappointed I wouldn't be able to see them until September, but it was alright.

After all, I hadn't seen Kirk for years since high school and if it wasn't for Cliff walking into the store I worked at, I wouldn't be able to see Kirk again, ever. Unless, maybe, be became famous or something.

Even so, he would have forgotten about me and all I'd be to him is a face in the crowd.

I was home alone, just drawing in my sketchbook.
Nancy was out with Violet on their first date at a roller rink. It had taken both of them so long to ask each other out. It was honestly painful watching them interact, it was so obvious they liked each other but were both too shy to do anything. Eventually, I managed to convince Nancy to ask her out.

The phone rang and I got up to go get it, putting it next to my ear.

"Hi there, who is it?" I asked.

"Hey, it's Dave. You free today?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing much, I'm just bored. Do you wanna meet up at the record store we always go to?"

"Sure, I'll be there in about 15 minutes. See ya!" I hung up.

I walked into the record store and started strolling through the aisles, looking for Dave.

When I was pretty sure I'd been through the whole store, with no luck finding him, I gave up and started browsing.

Scanning through the many records, I came across a bright red one with a hammer and a hand on it, instantly recognizing it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around, startled.

"Oh, hey Dave.." I said nervously, putting the record back. I still hadn't told him I was friends with Metallica.

"What are you looking at? I wanna see, is it new? I've been on the lookout for new music." Dave smiled.

"Nah, it's nothing special.. Do you wanna go look at the other aisles?"

"Come on, I wanna see." Dave insisted, pulling the record out from its spot.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked back at me.

"This is what you've been looking at? Metallica?" I couldn't tell how he felt. His tone showed neither anger or sadness.

I nodded my head timidly, scared that he was mad at me.

Suddenly, he turned around and walked away with the record in hand. Was he mad at me?

I trailed along, going in the direction he went and saw him at the register, seeming to be arguing with the cashier.

I stepped closer to see and hear what was going on.

"No sir, you can't have this free of charge." The woman at the counter said firmly.

"But I'm a member of this band!"

"Then why aren't you listed on the back?" She glared.

"Well- I wrote those riffs, okay! Can you just let me have it?" He argued.

"Stop being delusional, either you're paying for this record or you're leaving it. I'm not arguing on this with you."

"Fine.." He reluctantly took out his wallet and placed a few bills on the table, walking out of the store with me following behind.

"Why'd you buy it?" I questioned.

"I wanted to listen to it." He answered blankly.

We finally went back to his place and took a seat on the couch.

"Let's listen to this shit." He said, placing the record on the record player before stopping himself.

"Hey, why don't we play a game?" He smirked.

"What game?"

"Take a shot every time you hear one of my riffs being used." He replied playfully.

"Sure, why not? Where's your alcohol?" I got up off the couch.

Dave chuckled. "I was just kidding, I don't wanna deal with you blackout drunk." Finally placing the record on the player and starting it.

"To be honest, it's not bad.." He admitted.

It was almost an hour later and the record had just ended, the last song being Metal Militia.


"Yeah but that's cause I wrote most of those riffs and solos." He responded bitterly.

He took the cover sleeve and flipped it over to the back, looking over the photo of all the members.

Suddenly he laughed, I looked over at him confused.


"Cliff looks like he's trying to intimidate you and seduce you at the same time." He said, amused.

"Yeah, they do look a bit silly here." I agreed.

We ordered takeout from some random Chinese restaurant and brought it back to Dave's place for dinner.

"You ever think about what you're gonna do in the future?" He asked me randomly.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, you're not gonna be working at that bookstore for the rest of your life, are you?"

"No, it's just to make some money to be able to live off for now. Once I've saved enough, I will probably go do something else. Maybe I'll start writing original songs with the band I'm in and hope it goes somewhere. If that fails, I also thought about being a roadie for a band. That way I get to travel and watch live music, which I love. What about you, Dave?"

"That's a pretty cool plan. I've been thinking about starting a band of my own. I've written down some lyrics for a song, and I also met this guy about a month ago that's pretty good on bass." He replied.

"Cool, well if you do become successful, maybe I'll be a roadie for your band." I smiled.

"That'd be awesome." He returned a smile and continued eating.

◇ A/N: Hi, I kinda pulled this out of my ass. For some reason it takes me so long to write chapters for what's currently happening in the story, but I can write for future chapters.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and see ya! ◇

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