8. A new friend

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"Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share"

[Good times bad times - Led Zeppelin]

"Get in loser, we're going shopping. By the way, who is that?" Nancy asked, pulling up next to the pavement.

"Oh, this is Dave. I met him today, he saved me from Logan-"

"That fucking creep, thanks for doing that for her. By the way, you can get in the back." Nancy interrupted.

I opened the passenger seat and got in. Dave got in next to me and Nancy began to drive.

"Dave, this is Nancy, my cousin. We're going to the mall to find an outfit for a party on Saturday, and we're getting dinner after." I explained.

"Yeah, she wants to find a nice dress for this guy she fanci-"

"Shut it, Nancy!"

Dave chuckled. "Cool, well I wish you good luck with whoever he may be."

I was in the changing room of a store, trying on different dresses and tops. After each dress, I would walk out of the changing room to show Nancy and Dave. I was currently on the 3rd dress.

It was a black skin tight dress that displayed my body in a way that I loved, and didn't feel insecure about.

I pulled the curtain aside and walked out.

"Oh my gosh, Juliette! I think this is the one!" Nancy gasped excitedly.

"Yeah, you look gorgeous." Dave complimented.

"Thanks guys! I agree, I think I should get this." I said, walking back to the changing room to change into my normal clothes.

I walked up to the cashier and put the clothing items on the table.

"That'll be 23 dollars and 15 cents, please."

I paid, and we left the store in search of a restaurant.

"Hey, can we go in there? It has a really pretty design." Nancy pointed at a diner across the street.

"Yeah sure, why not?" Dave replied.

We walked across the street and entered the diner.

I slid into one of the booths and Nancy slid in next to me, Dave sitting across from us.

"Hey there! What would you like?" The waitress asked us.

"Um.. I would like a mac n cheese please." Nancy answered.

"Mac n cheese for me too, thanks." Dave added.

"Fried rice, please." I said.

"Would you guys also want a coke with that? It's free." the waitress asked.

"Yeah sure." Dave responded. Me and Nancy both nodded.

"Alright, one fried rice, two mac n cheeses and three cokes coming up!" She smiled and walked away.

"So, what do you do for work?" Nancy asked Dave.

"Oh, well recently I got kicked out of a band, so I'm working on forming a new one without those fucking bastards." He responded in a harsh tone.

Nancy raised her eyebrow and gave me a look.

"Sorry if this is too personal, but may I know what band you were kicked out of?"

"Metallica. Motherfuckers kicked me out without a warning or a second chance. All I had was them and my mother. Those fuckers were everything to me, you know?" Maybe I imagined it, but I swear I saw his eyes glisten with tears as he said the last sentence.

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