29. Day on the Green

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◇A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. June this year was pretty busy and I only started summer break a few days ago (June 28). I'm sorry this chapter is so shit, I kind of just wanted to put a chapter out there because I felt bad for making you wait so long. I know I'm bad at keeping promises, but since I'm finally on summer break I'll try to update more.◇


31 August 1985

The sweltering heat and bodies pressed up against me was not the ideal combination, but I would rather be here than anywhere else.

I waited there in the crowd for them to come on, standing next to Daphne, Nancy, Violet, and Maya, the heat beating down on us from above. Daphne said that she invited her friend, but she hadn't shown up yet. Hopefully she arrives soon, she wouldn't want to miss out on a good show.

"Ugh, can they start yet, I'm dying out here!" Daphne groaned.

As if on cue, they kicked off into their first song, Kirk and James playing the opening riff in sync, their guitars blasting out of the massive amps.

I locked eyes with James and gave him a grin to which he returned, they were playing Creeping Death, one of my favorites off their latest album.

I followed along with the lyrics and moved around, singing to myself as I watched. I watched Kirk as he glided his fingers across the fretboard, playing the solo, not being able to suppress a grin as I looked at him.

Soon my favourite part of the song came. I nodded along with the guitars before chanting "die!" with the crowd as James sang the breakdown.

Before I knew it, the song had ended with Lars hitting the cymbals and snare repeatedly.

"OH YEAH!" James yelled into the mic.

"OH YEAH!" Yelling again.

"FUCKING RIDE THE LIGHTNING" He hollered, the brutal vocals filling the air as Lars did a 4 count on the hi hat, before the opening guitar riff began.

Ride the lightning, the title track, was also one of my favorites on the album. But what could I say? Every song on the album could be my favourite, they're all amazing.

I turned over to glance at Maya, she was looking up at Cliff, her eyes glued to him as he soloed on his bass. Her eyes were always on him, but especially for this song. It was his song, For Whom The Bell Tolls.

"You finally came!" Daphne squealed. I looked over at her and saw a girl pushing her way through the sea of sweaty metalheads.

"Sorry I'm late Daph! Got caught in traffic and the crowd, had to fight my way through here." She laughed, not noticing me yet.

"Wait- Are you that girl from the club?" I asked. It was that girl I met in the bathroom a few weeks ago. Stacy.

"Oh my gosh, no way!" Stacy gushed, grinning.

"You know each other?"

We both nodded.

"We'll introduce you to everyone later, alright? Just enjoy the show!" I smiled.

Metallica wrapped up their set with a song from their first record, Motorbreath.

I honestly loved that song because I was with them throughout the writing and recording process of Kill 'Em All. The song reminded me of all the fun memories I had made with them during that time period.

The second the show had ended, the girls and I rushed behind the stage to meet our friends, Maya immediately darting to Cliff.

"How'd I do?" Cliff picked Maya up by the sides, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Amazing!" She giggled, blush rising in the same spot where Cliff had kissed her.

Kirk took his guitar off, and rested it on a nearby amp. The sweat on his skin glistened and stuck to his black tank, outlining his torso. Daphne went up to him and pressed their lips together. "Hey.." She greeted seductively.

"Hi.." Kirk replied, seemingly nervous.

"Daphne, will you stop eye fucking your boyfriend and tell me who this chick is?" Lars inquired, barging in.

Daphne rolled her eyes playfully, turning away from Kirk. "I would like to introduce you all to Stacy."

Stacy gave a bashful smile and wave to everyone.

"Cliff, nice to meet you. That's Kirk, Lars, and James." Cliff extended his hand to give Stacy a fist bump.

The guys waved and smiled at her. James stood in a corner, gulping down water and fanning himself with his top. Stacy gazed at him intently, her face turning a light pink when he gave up fanning himself and just took the top off.

"So how have you been since I last saw you?" I asked Stacy on the sofa next to me.

The guys were tired after the show, and we all just decided to go back to me and Nancy's apartment.

"Nothing much really, I've just been working, that's all. My life's pretty boring." She responded.

"Do you play any instruments?"

We were seated around our dining table with three boxes of pizzas laid out before us.

"Not really.. But I've always wanted to play guitar." Stacy answered.

"Well, James here could teach you." Violet smirked, elbowing James' ribs.

"Ow, what the fuck!"

"Will you be able to teach Stacy guitar?"

"I don't have time." James grumbled, rubbing the area he had just been elbowed in.

"Oh it's okay, you don't have to!" Stacy smiled politely.

Violet glared at James, narrowing her eyes before he sighed.

"Fine. I'll try."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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