13. Halloween

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[Halloween - Misfits]

October 31, 1983

"Yo, come in!" The door swung upon and Scott greeted us in.

Metallica was invited to a Halloween party that Anthrax was hosting, and decided to invite me, Nancy, Maya and Violet to come along.

Me and Kirk were both huge fans of Halloween, with him being into horror and me loving the idea of dressing up.

Kirk was dressed up as a vampire, with a black suit and trousers that shaped his body perfectly. He has suggested that I dress up as Carrie, so I was wearing a light pink dress with a silver tiara on top. I had poured some fake blood over my dress to complete the look.

Nancy and Violet wore matching costumes. Nancy dressed up as Joan Jett, sporting a leather jacket with pins on it along with some leather pants and heavy eyeliner. She even styled her hair to look like Joan's. Violet was wearing a tight white corset that hugged her body and a pair of black fishnet tights.

James was dressed up as the lion from the Wizard of Oz, looking hilarious but cute at the same time.

Cliff was dressed as the grim reaper, wearing a long dark cloak and holding a stick with a blade at the end of it. He had dulled the blade so that it wouldn't "harm any children". Despite how menacing he looked in his costume, I knew he was a sweetheart.

Maya didn't know what to dress up as, so she just put on fake blood. Cliff had suggested that she should he "his victim".

Lars was the only one who was dressed normally. He didn't have any ideas, although Cliff had told him he should be hobbit, to which he responded with "I'm not that focking short!".

"Damn, there's a shit ton of people here.." James muttered as he looked across the room at people on the couch, on the floor or just standing around. I could sense his uneasiness.

"Yeah, there's some people here that even I don't know. We kind of just invited whoever we saw at our shows so theres a bunch of random people here, I hope you don't mind." Scott replied as James nodded and walked towards the fridge.

The next few hours, I just stayed sober and tried to talk to some new people I hadn't met before. James had drunk quite a lot by now. Kirk and Lars drank too, but not as much as James. Maya and Cliff had disappeared off to somewhere, probably outside. Nancy and Violet had also disappeared, the last time I saw them they were heading towards an empty bedroom.

I went over to James who was sitting on the couch. I needed to make sure he was alright as he seemed to have had far too many beers already.

"Hey are you doing okay? I think you've had enough beer." I said, taking a seat next to him.

"Yeah.. I'm alright.." He said slowly.

I took the bottle out of his hands and began walking towards the kitchen.

"I'm getting you a glass of water." I told him firmly. He said nothing.

As I was heading back towards the couch where James was, I heard voice. There seemed to be some type of argument going on.

Approaching the couch, I saw the back of someone's head. I could recognize that ginger hair anywhere.

"Who the hell let you in here?" The unmistakable voice of Dave Mustaine yelled angrily.

"Fuck off!" James screamed back at him, before noticing me.

"Juliette, tell this drunk bastard to fuck off!"

"Juliette..?" Dave turned around and stared at me.

"Why are you here..?" His expression was unreadable.

"'Cause she's my friend, you fucktard!" James shouted at him.

"You're friends with Metallica? Is that why you're here?!" Dave looked angry now, and I took a step back.

At my silence, he yelled at me again. "How could you?!"

Suddenly, Kirk came running over. Dave had started to draw attention, as people stopped to stare at us.

"Is he hurting you?" Kirk asked.

Before I could answer, Dave had shoved Kirk to the floor.

James stood up and ran down at the same time as me, both of us trying to pull Dave off of Kirk.

Immediately after we had pulled Dave off, he swung at James, hitting him right in the eye.

"FU-UCK!" James stumbled backwards before Kirk caught him.

Dave had left a large bruise around his eye.

I lost it. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I screamed at Dave, shoving him back.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? I TRUSTED YOU!" Anger and hurt flickered in his eyes.

I expected him to shove me or yell at me again but he simply walked off, fuming.

Once he was gone, I turned to James. "Are you alright?!"

He nodded. "Tell us- tell us.. how Dave knows who you are." He slurred.

"Yeah, I want to know too." Kirk said to me.

"We should bring him back home first and then I'll tell you. I have an ice pack at home that we can put on the bruise." I responded.

"Fine. But you will tell us why Dave knows you." He said firmly.

I reluctantly agreed, as we gathered everyone up and left the party.

Everyone except for James and Kirk had no idea what was going on and why we were going home, but they agreed.

"Did you seriously have to tell us to leave now? I just met a really hot chick back there!" Lars whined.

"Shut up, your best friend is hurt." Violet snapped.

◇ A/N: It's literally so fitting how Halloween is the 13th chapter, also the chapter that they meet Dave. Sorry for not putting this out on Halloween and for the long updates. I'm not planning on giving up on this book anytime soon as I have many ideas for it. I just have a hard time finding motivation and time for writing current chapters. During the Christmas break, I will definitely try to write more though.
Btw, you can probably tell I haven't been around a lot of drunk people so I'm sorry for the inaccuracy. You can always suggest things related to alchoholism that I could write better, it would help with future chapters since alcohol is such a big part of early Metallica.
Thank you <3 ◇

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