9. The Exorcist

194 5 36

Saturday 22 April 1983

5:37 PM

It was finally the day of the party. Me, Nancy and Maya were all in Nancy's room getting ready and doing each other's makeup.

I had paired the black dress with a leather jacket, ripped tights and black combat boots.

Nancy was just finishing off her makeup. Me and Maya were already ready and we were sitting on Nancy's bed waiting for her.

"Hey, should I show more skin..? I kinda wanna catch Cliff's eye.." Maya asked us shyly.

"Um, excuse me, you're already hot as hell, Maya." Nancy replied.

"Exactly. Besides, you've already caught his eye. Like, do you see the way he looks at you?" I added.

"And, you shouldn't change your appearance for anyone's validation. You can for sure wear something else if you feel hotter in it, but make sure you're wearing it for yourself, Maya." Nancy continued.

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate it. I honestly don't feel comfortable in something that shows more skin, I just really want Cliff to like me.."

"I know I haven't known him for long, but he doesn't seem like a horny guy who only goes for women's bodies. That just doesn't seem like the type of person he is. I'm sure you can draw him in with your great personality, Maya. Don't worry about it." I put a hand on her shoulder supportingly and smiled.

Maya hugged me tight before letting go when Nancy spoke.

"Hey I'm done, let's go."

We stepped out of the house, locked the door and started walking. The Metallimansion was quite close to our place, just about a 5 minute walk.

"Yo come in!" Lars answered the door.

It was quite a small party. There weren't a lot of people, it was just the boys and some other men that I had never met.

"Hi guys!" James greeted us.

"Hi." Cliff greeted with a nod.

Kirk was on the couch talking to a man I'd never seen before.

"Oh hey, Juliette!" He grinned.

"Hi there, I'm Scott Ian, you're Juliette?" The guy he was talking with turned to me.

"Yeah, that's me, nice to meet you." I replied.

"Take a seat." Kirk patted the empty space next to him on the couch.

"Kirk has told me a lot about you." Scott smirked.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, you can test me on it."

"What's my favourite colour?" I asked.

"Sage green." He replied.

"Food and animal?"

"He said you really like Turkish food and raccoons." He answered. I was surprised, why did Kirk talk so much about me?

Some other guy came up to us.

"Hi, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, Juliette's just quizzing me on facts about herself." Scott said to the guy.

"I see, it's good to finally meet you, I'm Dan. Kirk talks about you all the time, it's like he's in love with you or something."

"We're just friends, I promise." Kirk chuckled, finally saying something after being silent for a while.

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