22. Beach day pt.2

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Rough, calloused hands softly caressed my hips.

"Hey... wake up." Kirk breathed into my left ear.

My eyelids flickered back open.

"Oh.. what time is it?.." I managed to get out, trying to ignore the butterflies circling in my stomach as he massaged my hips.

"Not sure, but James and Lars are gone, and I can't see Cliff and Maya on the beach."

"Oh, shit. We better go back then."

"Relax.. we're gonna go back, but it's no rush." He did that thing where he dropped his voice down low, something he did often to calm me down, but it always made my heart beat faster, instead.

"Let's go." He took his hands off me and started to swim towards the shore. I followed, swimming beside him.

We stepped onto the beach and found the towel we had laid our clothes and belongings on. Kirk was right, the others were nowhere to be seen.

I could not put into words how absolutely beautiful Kirk looked in that moment. In the dim lighting of the moon and the distant street lights, I almost gasped at how handsome he was. His long hair was dripping with water, that cascaded down his back and toned chest.

I had to recollect myself when I jolted back to reality and saw that he was now fully clothed and staring at me with a perplexed expression.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"O-oh.. sorry I just zoned out.." I muttered, picking up my shirt and shorts and sliding them on.


We packed up our things and walked towards the motel.

The guy at the counter gave us our room number and keys and we went to it. I stared at the dusty clock hanging on the wall: 8:27 PM.

We opened up the room, and we threw our belongings onto the floor.

I inspected the room. Plain white wallpaper that was peeling off the walls. An analogue clock identical to the one downstairs by the desk, hanging on the wall. A simple bathroom, a shower, a sink and a toilet. And one single bed. I sighed. The bed wasn't even that big, if we both slept on it, there wouldn't be much room to ourselves.

"You hungry?" Kirk asked. "I don't know where the others are but we can just go get something ourselves."

"I'm alright, thanks. I'm kinda tired, I'll eat tomorrow." I answered.

"Alright, go rest then. I'm just gonna go find the others and I'll be back in a bit. Although you might be asleep then." I nodded and he headed to the door.

He stopped and turned around, facing me again. "You're alright.." He paused, "with sharing a bed?"

"Yeah, no worries." I gave him a smile. He returned it and left the room.

I hopped out of the shower and changed into my pajamas. I hadn't planned on sharing a room with Kirk, so my night clothes were a bit suggestive. I groaned. I should've known this would known this would happen and brought my more modest clothes.

Well there was nothing I could do. I slipped on my white lace top, and silk shorts. Kirk still wasn't back yet. I sat there on the bed for a bit, reading a book that I had brought, Murder on the Orient Express, as I waited for my hair to air dry. I didn't bring a blow dryer, so it was my only option. I knew it would take ages for my hair to dry completely in the air, but there was no way I was sleeping with completely wet hair.

About half an hour had gone by. It was now about 10 PM. Kirk still wasn't back. I set the book down, swithced off the lights, and curled up under the thin blanket.

◇A/N: I am so sorry that I'm not consistent with my updates. I really hope you liked this chapter and also Murder on the Orient Express is a really great detective book. Thanks for reading as usual, I love you all <3◇

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