1. The bookstore

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April 15th 1983 (present day)

Another day of work. Oh well, it could have been much worse.

At least I wasn't working at some fast food chain like Burger King. I should be more grateful.

I did a bit of makeup, just eyeliner around my eyes, put on the first shirt I saw, a Misfits shirt, a leather jacket and black jeans. I was ready to go.

"Bye!" Nancy yelled from her room.

Nancy was my cousin and we both worked at the bookshop her mom owned but would work on different days. Whenever I worked, she would stay at home and vice versa.

"See you!" I yelled back.

I walked down the street feeling the cool breeze of spring around me.

"Good morning." My friend and coworker Maya greeted me as I stepped into the store.

"Hi." I responded.

"We have a few minutes till we have to open up the shop, meanwhile we can sort out the misplaced books and clean the floors a bit."

"Sure." I got going putting all the books back into place as Maya mopped the floors.

A couple of minutes later, we flipped the "CLOSED" sign on the door over to "OPEN".

There was a staff room behind the counter where we would go to whenever we were tired or needed a drink. It stored a fridge, a door leading to the bathroom, and some chairs.

We both sat there as we waited for the first customer to come in.


The whole morning was spent ringing up customers, and stuff like that.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It said 4:43. My shift ended at 5pm. I was happy it was almost over.

Around this time, there wouldn't be many customers as they knew we would close soon, so the store was empty except for me and Maya.

I was in the staff room and Maya was at the counter.

I heard the bell attached to the door jingling as the door opened.

I could hear someone pacing around the store for a few minutes, until they spoke.

"Hey, I can't seem to find the horror section, can you please show me where it is?" He had a deep voice, but it was calming at the same time.

"Sure thing, hold on.."

Maya burst through the door and whispered to me. "Hey, I forgot where the horror section is, do you mind helping that cute customer out?"

I raised my eyebrows at the word cute, and she blushed, but I nodded my head and went up to the counter.

"I'll show you where the horror section is, follow me." I said to the man.

He followed me as I went around the shop and stopped near a pile of shelves.



I waited for him to pick out the book he wanted. Meanwhile, I observed him.

He was extremely tall, had long reddish brown hair and wore a denim jacket and denim jeans. He had a cool aura to him that I couldn't explain.

When he was done I went back behind the counter as he paid for the book.

"Nice shirt by the way." he complimented.

"Oh, thanks. You have good taste in books too, I love HP Lovecraft." I complimented back.

"Thank you, so you like the Misfits, huh? What other bands do you like?"

"Oh um, UFO, Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix.." I replied.

"Awesome taste. You seem cool, do you wanna go get dinner together? The sign says it closes at 5, so I assumed you'd be free." He asked.

I usually wouldn't accept dinner with a total stranger, but he seemed trustworthy.

"Yeah sure."

"Your friend can come too."

Maya shyly stepped out of the staff room. She was probably eavesdropping on us.

"Thank you.." She muttered.

By then it was already 5, so we closed up the shop and all three of us walked out and headed across the street to the diner.


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