16. Christmas

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December 25, 1983

[It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year - Andy Williams]

"Merry Christmas!" Nancy, Maya and I all shouted in unison as Lars opened the door.

"Geez, you scared me. Come in."

There was a tree, a real tree, set up in the living room next to the TV. The boys were all sat on the sofa just staring into space. They looked up when they heard us enter.

"Oh, hi guys." Kirk smiled.

"We've been waiting for you to come so you can help us decorate." Cliff pointed at the boxes all piled up on the floor with Christmas decorations inside.

"You mean you haven't started decorating yet?" Nancy asked.

"We were too lazy, you know." Lars said while crunching extremely loudly on an apple.

"Let's get going then." Maya picked up an ornament to hang on the tree.

We were soon all moving around the house, putting up lights and ornaments and whatever decorations we could find in the box.

Cliff and Maya were putting up lights all around the house while Lars was setting out trays of gingerbread cookies the boys had baked together. The gingerbread cookies were weirdly shaped but edible nonetheless, which was impressive knowing that they had baked it. James was putting stockings on every single door handle including the front door. Violet and Nancy were taking out the trash. Kirk and I were hanging ornaments, tinsel, and a string of lights around the tree.

We had finished putting everything up. There was only one thing left, to put the star up on the tree. Neither me or Kirk were tall enough to reach it though.

"Fuck, I can't reach the top of the tree." Kirk sighed.

"Can't we ask Cliff to do it, or get a chair?"

"Cliff's busy, but yeah maybe we should get a chair."

We looked at the dining table. All the chairs were gone.

"Dammit, what do we do?" I looked to Kirk in defeat.

"Can I just carry you?"

"Uhh.. yeah sure." I nodded hesitantly.

I grabbed the star from one of the boxes. He placed both hands on my waist and hoisted me up to the top of the tree. At his touch, butterflies started to swarm in my stomach. I put the star on top and he let me down carefully.

"Done." He said, and walked away.

When everyone finished doing their duties, we all sat down on the sofa.

"We should put our gifts under the tree now!" Maya exclaimed excitedly.

We agreed and shuffled out of the room. Everyone was to enter the living room by themselves and place their present under the tree to avoid anyone seeing who the present was for. This was because we would be guessing who got each other's presents.

James picked up the two small presents I had placed under the tree for him.

He ripped up the first one and a look if pure joy came over his face.

"Hell yeah! Piece Of Mind! I've wanted this for ages, thank you!"

He opened up the second present.

"Oh, a fuzz pedal. Cool!"

"So, who do you think it's from?" Cliff inquired.

James thought for a moment. "You." He said, pointing at Cliff.

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