14. Black eye

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It was the day after, and everyone was sitting in the living room. James was sober now, with a terrible headache and a black eye from the punch.

Everyone stared up at me expectantly, waiting for me to tell them what had happened the previous night.

"Go on, tell us." Nancy urged.

I took a breath and began. "So, the reason we had to leave was because Dave had started a fight with James and punched him in the face."

"Dave was there?" Lars asked.

"Yeah.." I responded.

"That's all that happened?"

"No, there's more to that. Dave recognized you. Why did he recognize you?" James enquired.

I knew that would come up eventually, but I wasn't prepared for it.

Thankfully, Nancy cut in before I could speak.

"They're friends." She said plainly.

"What?!" Everyone except Nancy responded in unison.

"Why would you be friends with such a dick?" Kirk asked, looking disappointed.

I was silent, thinking about how I would explain this to them.

"So.. One day at work, Maya was out for the day, so my other coworker was ther-"

"Stop! Don't tell me it was Logan.." Maya said, her brows furrowing.

Nancy answered for me again, "Yes it was."

"Who the hell is Logan?" Lars cut in.

"He's this creepy coworker I had.. He kept making weird comments about me and then Dave walked in and basically told him to fuck off. So naturally, I thanked him and we became friends after that. I didn't realise he was the guy you'd kicked out at first.." I explained.

"I didn't know Dave was like that." James replied after a moment of silence.

I looked at Kirk. "Are you mad at me..?"

"No, I just kinda find it hard to believe that Dave would do that." He responded.

"I respect Dave a lot for that, Juliette. If we ever see him around.. Well, we won't ever be buddies again, but we won't start a fight." Cliff stated.

"Are you sure, because after what he did to James last night I might just beat him up!" Lars remarked loudly.

"As if you could!" Cliff responded teasingly.

They shot each other dirty looks.

"So what now?" James asked.

"Well now you know and can stop pestering me about it." I replied, walking to the fridge and taking out a can of coke.

◇A/N: I apologize for the REALLY short chapter, but I appreciate you reading. Thank you ♡◇

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