19. The day after

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When I woke up in the morning, my breath hitched in my throat as I recalled last night's events. I had gotten drunk and asked Kirk to stay with me. And he did. I had my hand one hand over his torso. He was beside me, his hands gripping my waist and his head nuzzled into my neck, as I felt his warm breath on my skin. I felt my cheeks heat up as I came to the realisation that he wasn't wearing a shirt. Thank God he was still asleep.

As much as I knew it was wrong, I didn't want to leave this position. I knew that this was probably the first and only time he'd ever hold me like this. Temptation and desire took over me, and I stayed in that position, pretending to be asleep to save the awkwardness when he woke up and saw the way we were so close together.

I laid there in his arms with my eyes shut, just enjoying the feeling of his hands on me and his breath on my neck.

After a few moments, he started to stir. I froze and tried to act like I was asleep.

I heard a small gasp escape his lips and I assumed he had seen the way we had embraced each other. He carefully took his hands off my waist and climbed off the bed. I continued to lay there, pretending that I hadn't felt him leave. Instantly, I felt colder, missing the arms that wrapped around me and provided me with comfort.

After a while, I was too bored of pretending to be asleep, so I got up and went to the living room.

I was greeted with quite a sight. Kirk was at the table, finally wearing a shirt, and eating a piece of bread. Lars was sprawled out across the sofa, James was lying on the floor with his head resting on the sofa by Lars' hip and Cliff was lying on a set of chairs all pushed together as a makeshift bed. They were out cold. Maya had probably gone home. Violet and Nancy were nowhere to be seen. Probably having fun together.

"You hungry?" Kirk asked from the kitchen table.

"It's alright, I'm not hungry, thanks."

He nodded in response.

I took a seat next to him. "Fuck my head hurts.." My head was throbbing from all the alcohol from last night.

"Me too.. All I wanna do is stay in bed and sleep." He responded.

"How did you sleep last night?" I decided to act oblivious and pretended I had forgotten that we had spent the night together in my bed.

"Pretty good." He answered plainly. He acted extremely unfazed by our proximity this morning. I decided to change the subject.

"So uh, what are you plans for today?" His face fell a bit at the question.

"I'm really sorry Juliette, but I can't hang out with you because we actually have something important today. We're supposed to finish up writing all our songs for the new album before we start recording. We actually hadn't planned on drinking that much last night, but I guess we forgot we had something important the day after. I have to wake 'em up, and then we have to go. Sorry, we'll hang out as soon as I'm free though." He replied apologetically.

"Oh no, it's fine, you don't have to apologize, I get it. I'll help you wake them up, and then you can go."

Kirk smiled and got up from the chair as I followed. He started to violently shake James by the shoulders. After a few moments James was up.

"What the fuck..?" He muttered in his groggy state.

"We have band practice remember? Help me wake up the others." Kirk told him.

James reluctantly got up, groaning.

Once everyone was up, I waved goodbye to them as they left for the studio.

They thanked me for letting them stay at my place and I told them it was no problem, they didn't disturb me by laying around the living room anyway.

I sighed and headed to my room. It was just another boring day. I picked up my book and began to read.

◇A/N: Sorry this chapter was short and kinda ass. I just wanted it to be a continuation of the previous chapter. The next chapter will be a bigger time skip than I did before, and it will finally get the fic moving along quicker. Thanks so much for reading <3◇

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