25. Phone calls and potatoes

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It was Sunday. Today we would have breakfast and lunch and then drive back to San Francisco.

Kirk was dozing next to me, one hand wrapped around my waist and another hand underneath the fabric of my t shirt. His lips pressed gently on the side of my neck.

It occurred to me that I didn't know what time it was. For all I knew it could have been the afternoon already, but I didn't have a clock around to check.

How did we even get here? I recalled both of us getting into bed last night with our backs towards each other, both facing opposite directions. Only to wake up pressed against each other like magnets.

I lay there and pondered how the hell I was gonna get out of this position without waking him up. I think the answer was that it would be impossible to without waking the guy up.

Well fuck it, I need to get read-

"HEY FOCKERS! GET UP WE NEED TO GO!" The familiar danish accent filling the room, as the garden gnome burst into the room.

Kirk jumped next to me, him immediately woken up.

"How did you get in here?!"

"Woah- what did I just interrupt-" Lars snickered obnoxiously.

"Go away!" Kirk screamed at him, taking his hands off me in embarrassment and sitting up.

"Geez calm down, I'm only here to tell you it's like 1pm and we gotta leave, so be ready in 10 minutes or we're leaving without you."

He waltzed out of the room, leaving the door wide open.

"I still don't know how he got in here." Kirk sighed, getting up to close the door.

"We were probably so tired we forgot to lock the door last night." I said, thankful that it was just Lars and not some murderer who had entered our room.

"Probably." Kirk replied, going to the bathroom to get ready as I packed up all my stuff.

The trip back was relaxing, the windows rolled down and music blasting through the speakers, me and Kirk eating snacks in the backseat since we had slept through both breakfast and lunch.

I hopped out of the car, as they dropped me off at my place and I waved goodbye as they drove away. It was around 4pm.

I twisted the key into the hole and entered my home.

I took off my shoes and entered the living room, seeing Violet and Nancy both asleep on the sofa, Violet's head on Nancy's shoulder as they dozed off. I smiled to myself and walked into my room.

I got some clothes and went into the bathroom to shower.

After my shower, I had woken both of them and we began making dinner together.

Violet was gonna stay over for one more night.

Violet was boiling potatoes, I was cutting up some vegetables and Nancy was preparing the chicken on a tray that we would put in the oven later to roast.

The ringing of the phone from the living room spread into the kitchen and Violet put the lid down over the pot. "I'll get it." She said, rushing off.

I could hear her voice from outside, it seemed to be someone she didn't know.

"Hold on.. JULIETTE! Someone wants to talk to you!" She yelled from the living room. I put the knife down and dried my hands before running out.

She handed me the phone, raised her eyebrows and smiled, then walked back into the kitchen.

I placed the phone on my left ear.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked.

"Oh, hi. I'm not sure if you still remember me but I'm Marty, the guy from the donut shop a few days ago?" Marty said.

"Oh hey, I do remember you!"

"Oh alright, that's great. Are you.. are you uh free tomorrow?"

Tomorrow was Monday. I had work.

"No, I have work tomorrow. I'm sorry."

"No don't apologize it's alright. Thanks for answering though, I didn't know if you would." He sounded disheartened.

"Actually um, my shift ends at 5pm. So if you still wanna hang out, we could have dinner together or something."

"Really? I would love that, thank you." I grinned at his politeness.

"Alright then see you there!"

I gave him the address of the bookstore I worked at and hung up, waltzing back into the kitchen happily.

"What was that all about?" Nancy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh um.. I met this guy a few days ago and he asked me to have dinner with him tomorrow."

"Do you like him?"

I paused after the question, thinking.

"No, not really. But he's really sweet and I felt bad turning him down. I think we would be good friends." I sighed.

"Juliette, you shouldn't lead him on. If you really don't feel anything for him and he catches feelings for you, that's not gonna be good." Nancy advised, leaning back on the counter. We were waiting for the potatoes and chicken to finish boiling and baking.

I sighed. "I know, I'll try telling him tomorrow. I hope we can still be friends, he's really nice."

◇A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I just needed to wrap this part up. I'm planning to do a time skip in the next few chapters, and we'll finally move faster along the timeline. Also, the reason I like writing slowburn is because I find it boring and hard to write interesting chapters when the story moves along really quick. I might struggle to write new material when two characters are already together. But that's just my opinion and experience and I have nothing against people who like or write romances that are fast. Thanks for reading <3◇

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