26. Wasabi experience

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"Enjoy your day!" I waved to the cute little girl and her mother as they exited, the last customers of today, the bells on the door jingling.

"Hey, there's 5 minutes till 5. Your date's gonna be here soon." Maya winked at me from the comic book aisle.

"He's not my date, Maya, I just think he's nice."

"From what I've heard, he seems to be really interested in you." Maya laughed.

The door opened abruptly and someone slipped in.

"Hello, welc-"

"Dave?! What are you doing here?"

"What, am I not allowed to check up on my friend? It's been a while, Juliette." He smiled.

"Oh, hey. Maya right?" He asked. Maya just nodded.

"So what are you doing tonight?" He turned back to me.

"Um, I'm actually having dinner with someone, sorry."

"Can I join?"

"Uh.. I don't know." I don't know if Marty would like that.

Suddenly the door opened again and someone else came in.

"Hi, ready to go?" Marty asked timidly as he came in.

Dave looked at me and Marty, putting the pieces together and smirking.

"You never told me this was a date!" He sniggered.

Marty's cheeks flushed. "Uh.. yeah I guess it is."

"Yeah, let's go." I stepped out from behind the counter and grabbed my stuff, getting ready to leave.

"See you, Maya!"

She rushed up to me before I left, whispering into my ear. "If you need me or anything, just call me. I'll be at Cliff's place. Have fun!"

I smiled at her and waved, walking out onto the pavement.

Dave and Marty followed me outside.

"So, can I come?" Dave asked obnoxiously.

I gave Marty a look and he returned it.

"I'm not going to interrupt or anything, relax. I've just got nothing to do tonight." Dave added.

"Alright, I guess." Marty said, shrugging.

Why does Dave have to come in at the most random times and interfere with everything?

I guess it was fine by me, but I hope Marty's alright with it.

Throughout our walk around the city, looking for a place to eat, Dave and Marty seemed to be getting along pretty well, they introduced themselves to each other and began a long conversation. I was starting to feel like I was the one thirdwheeling on their date.

"Nice shirt, dude." Dave complimented the Ramones shirt Marty was sporting.

"Thanks, you like them?" He grinned.

"Yeah I like that punk stuff, but I'm more of a metal guy."

"Really? Same!"

I grinned, it was like watching two toddlers bond over their favourite toys.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what do you guys wanna eat? We've been walking for about 10 minutes now."

"Let's go over there, Japanese food seems pretty cool." Marty pointed to a restaurant a few blocks ahead.

"Yeah sure." Dave agreed and we walked over there.

"Damn this is good." Dave commented, savouring his salmon sashimi.

Marty and Dave continued talking about music, their voices becoming muffled in my ears as I zoned out into my own world.

I decided to try the green paste sitting in a small sauce tray right next to the soy sauce.

It looked quite interesting and I didn't know what it was.

I picked up the whole glob and shoved it into my mouth.

The insides of my mouth began to heat up and my nose started to feel uncomfortable.

I swallowed it with difficulty and began downing my green tea, trying to numb the spiciness in my mouth.

"Oh fuck-" I murmured in between cups of green tea, forgetting how hot it was, eyes watering from the mysterious spicy green paste and the hot tea.

"Shit! Are you okay?" Marty put a hand on my back, concern in his eyes.

I shook my head, pointing at the sauce tray the green paste was previously on. Marty's eyes widened.

"Oh no, I'm sorry Juliette. I should've been watching over you. That's wasabi.. It's not that spicy in small amounts but you took the whole clump, didn't you?"

I nodded. "It's okay, I'm f-fine." I choked out.

"Well thanks for letting me know that's spicy, I'll be careful." Dave said.

"I think we should pay, everyone's had enough, right?" Marty inquired.

I nodded and Dave did too. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He said.

Marty slowly took his hand off my back. "You alright now?"


"Sorry I spent the whole time talking to Dave.. I know this was supposed to just be the two of us.. Sorry." He apologized.

"It's okay.. I just wanna tell you this so I don't hurt your feelings more further down the line.. I think you're great and really sweet but I just don't really see you that way and I think we would be better off as friends." I gave him a timid smile and watched his face drop slightly.


It was silent for a moment.

"It's alright.. I was kind of expecting to be let down when I saw you with that guy back in the donut shop. You have a thing for him, don't you..?"

"Yeah, I guess I do. Don't tell anyone though, please.."

"I won't, I promise." He gave me a small smile and took a sip of his tea.

"I'm back, let's go pay." Dave returned and grabbed his stuff. We all went up to the counter and paid.

"Bye, Marty! Thanks for walking me home, I really appreciate it." I waved him goodbye.

"No problem, see you!" He waved back and left.

◇ A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter was kinda bad and sloppy but I don't know. I hope all of you are having a nice day/night and I appreciate you all <3

Also I don't know why I keep naming my chapters after food items but I hope they aren't too boring. ◇

Hidden feelings | Kirk HammettWhere stories live. Discover now