18. Red velvet

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23 February 1984

I slowly opened my eyes, enjoying the nice late February morning air.

I physically jumped up in my bed when I saw two figures towering over me and watching me sleep.

"GAAH- What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?"

"Nancy let us in." Cliff replied calmly.

"Happy birthday, Juliette!" Kirk grinned.

I came to the realization that it was in fact my birthday, and my two favourite men had come to celebrate it with me. I smiled to myself.

"Hurry up, get dressed and come to the living room. Lars and James are there watching TV." Kirk said as he and Cliff exited my room and shut the door.

I walked out into the living room and took in my surroundings.

There was a cake laid out on the table, Lars  and James were sprawled across my couch, while Kirk and Cliff were looking through my record collection.

"Oh hey look, the birthday girl's awake!" James exclaimed and everyone turned to look at me. I awkwardly stood there.

Nancy walked out of the kitchen. "Come on guys let's sing." She gestured for me to come to stand by the table, in front of the beautiful red velvet cake they had gotten for me. My favourite.

Everyone gathered around the table and began singing happy birthday to me in unison. I tried not to laugh as it made me think of what cult chantings may have sounded like.

"Make a wish!" Violet urged.

I put my hands together and closed my eyes, making my wish. Then I opened them and blew the candles as everyone clapped.

"Thank you guys, I really didn't expect you all to be so kind."

They all smiled back at me.

I cut the cake into equal slices for everyone and we all sat down to eat.

"Hey guess what, guys?" James asked with a grin on his face.

"What?" Cliff responded.

"Juliette's 21 now. Which is the legal drinking age, no need fake IDs anymore." James said with a cheeky grin.

"You know what that means!" Lars chimed in.

"Hell yeah!" James yelled excitedly.

Usually I would object to the idea of drinking, but hey, I was 21 now. Maybe it was time to have a bit of fun, even though I didn't like alcohol that much in the first place.

Cliff had volunteered to be our driver, as he said he didn't trust anyone to drive, so he just sat there and talked with Maya.

All I remember was drinking way too much than I should have, and James and Kirk beside me, drinking as much as me. They were able to handle it better though, being heavier drinkers.

I felt amazing. I was out of my mind but I loved it. I didn't have to think logically, and everything was amusing to me.

Next thing I knew, we were going back home. Cliff held onto me, as I wasn't able to walk straight. I was placed in the passenger seat, in between Lars and Kirk, I think.

I was carried back to my room. A pair of hands placed me gently onto my bed and tucked me in. I opened my eyes and saw Kirk looking down at me.

"Don't leave please, I don't wanna be alone."

I wouldn't say that if I were sober. I would have just let him go. But I wasn't sober. I shifted to the other side of my bed and gestured for him to lie next to me.

I waited for a few moments and be slid in next to me, and pulled the blanket over us.

I slept peacefully, lulled to sleep by a warm body next to mine.

◇A/N: I am so sorry that this chapter was so short and so bad, I kinda just wanted to put something out because I feel bad for not updating in a while. I have a holiday next week, so I really hope to get a few chapters out. I'm really sorry. Thanks for reading though <3◇

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