4. Cherry Bomb

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We all headed downstairs to their basement when we were done having lunch.

I sat behind the drumset and Lars gave me his sticks while Nancy and Maya plugged in their basses and guitars.

All three of us had a microphone, Maya was the lead singer, but me and Nancy would sometimes do backing vocals.

"Any requests?" Nancy asked the boys.

"Nah, surprise us." Cliff spoke.

They were all sitting on a worn out couch watching us.

I gave the girls a look and tapped my drumsticks.

"1, 2, 3, 4!"
We launched into our first song, Cherry bomb by the Runaways.

Maya began singing and me and Nancy joined her in the chorus, screaming "I'm your ch ch ch ch ch ch- CHERRY BOMB!" into the mic.

I almost fucked up the beat when I noticed Kirk staring at me, but I pulled myself together and tried to focus.

We ended the song and they all clapped.
"You guys are awesome!" James cheered.

We started to play You Drive Me Wild, another Runaways song, when Nancy and Maya stopped. I looked at them confused.

"You should sing this, you do it best, Juliette." Maya turned around and smiled at me.


I was really nervous singing in front of the boys, but especially Kirk.

"You know when you're close you really turn me on.."

"That's why I want you so bad when you're gone, yeah!"

I tried not to look at him or else I would start to get nervous. I became less nervous towards the chorus and finished the song.

"I didn't know you could sing that well, Juliette." Kirk caught me off guard and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Thanks.." I muttered nervously.

"Now we wanna hear you play!" Nancy said excitedly.

"Nah, we're tired, you can watch us play live when we have a show. We'll give you backstage passes." Lars told us.

"Alright fine."

We unplugged the instruments and went over to where the boys were sitting.

"What time is it?"

"2:47." Cliff said looking at the clock on the wall that I hadn't noticed before.

"So what now?"

"Well we could go to the beach, or we could stay down here and fuck around with the instruments."

"Let's do a vote then. Who wants to go to the beach?"

3 hands went up.

"Stay here?"

4 hands.

"Okay then, it's settled." James said.

Maya and Cliff were in the corner of the room, Cliff's bass on her, while Cliff was showing her where to place her fingers.

Lars was laying on the couch with his eyes closed, most likely sleeping.

James was behind the drumset showing Nancy a simple beat and then got up to let her try.

I looked around the room and saw Kirk coming towards me with his guitar and a stool.

"Hey, I can teach you something simple on guitar if you want?"

"Yeah sure."

He set the stool down and gestured for me to sit. I tried to stay calm as he put the strap of the guitar over my shoulder.

He went to grab another stool and sat down beside me.

"I can teach you Iron Man, it's pretty simple."

"Put your index on that fret, and your ring finger on that one.."

When I learnt the main riff, he tried teaching me the solo which I could play pretty well but not fast. I was still proud of myself though.

◇ A/N: Sorry if this was really short and cringe, I hope you did enjoy it, though. Thanks for reading :)) ◇

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