5. Another night

248 8 18

16 April 1983

I stayed there for another night, arguing with Cliff about who would take the couch, him insisting that he should.

I ended up losing as he dragged me to his bed and closed the door.

I lay there in the darkness thinking about my life so far.

All the new friends I've made, and my old best friend who I've recently developed feelings for. Should I try to push my feelings aside? Because all he thinks of me is a friend. And he's a lead guitarist in a band. If they get bigger, there'll be so many girls throwing themselves at him. Hell, he'll probably end up hooking up with some random groupie. There's no way he'll choose me.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. And then another. Suddenly I was sobbing. Gosh, why am I so dramatic?

I heard the door creak open and I quickly turned my head towards the wall.

"Hey can I turn on the light? I can't find my alarm clock and I need to set it for work tomorrow." Kirk said softly.

"Yeah sure." I responded, still facing the wall.

Before I could wipe my tears away with the blanket, Kirk's face popped up above me.

"GAAAAH!" I screamed.

"What the hell? You fucking scared me!"

"Sorry.." Kirk laughed.

"Wait why are you crying?"

"I'm not.."

"Yeah sure." He said sarcastically, taking a tissue and wiping them off my face.

He turned off the light and climbed into bed.

"Are you tired?" He asked, yawning.

"Not really, why?"

"Me neither, let's talk for a bit."

"So how have you been these couple of years, and why did you come back? I thought you were at university or something, pursuing your lawyer dreams."

"Oh, well my dad lost his job so we could no longer pay for the university. I went back here to get a job and thankfully I did. As for pursuing my dreams, I realized that being a lawyer just wasn't for me. So I'm okay with it. For now I'm just trying to survive and be happy. Maybe one day me and my band will start writing original material and see how far we go. But for now it's just a hobby."

"I see, well as long as you're happy with your life it doesn't matter. I don't get people who shame others for dropping out or things like that. It's good to hear you're doing okay." Kirk replied.

"How have you been then? And how did you end up in Metallica, I thought you were in Exodus?"

"I'm good thanks, Juliette. Well uh.. when they fired the Dave guy, I was invited to audition for Metallica. I didn't think it was serious at first, since I got the call on April fools. But I'd seen them play before, and they were pretty good, so I thought, why not? Playing with them felt more natural than playing with my own band for some reason. It's weird. So that's how I got in."

"Interesting.. Well who do you get along with the most?" I asked.

"Well uh, don't tell them I said this but I like Cliff the most out of all of them." He chuckled.

"Me too, actually." I agreed.

"Wait what about me? How come I'm not your favourite, Juliette?" He pretended to be offended.

"Haha, no you suck." I joked.

There was barely any light in the room but I could faintly make out two middle fingers pointing towards me from the other side of the room.

◇ A/N: Hi, sorry for taking so long to update, I didn't really know what to write. Thanks so much for reading though :)) ◇

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