20. Cheers to Ride the Lightning

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3 August 1984

It was August 3rd, James' birthday. Me, Nancy and Maya all headed to the Metallimansion to attend James' party and also celebrate the recent release of their second album, Ride the Lightning.

"Hey guess what Lars!" James punched Lars' shoulder lightly.

"Ow! What?"

"I can fucking drink legally now! No more of that fake ID shit, now you're the only guy drinking illegally!"

"Oh fock you!" Lars answered playfully.

"Happy birthday!" I exclaimed, passing James a gift wrapped in pink wrapping paper.

"Woah I wonder what this is, it's huge." James grinned.

He quickly tore off the wrapping paper, revealing a blue skateboard, similar to the one I had given to Kirk for his birthday a few months prior.

"Hell yeah! This is sick, thanks Jules!" His grin grew wider and he gave me a brief awkward side hug.

"No problem. So I'm Jules now?"

"Yup." He responded happily.

"Guys, it's time for cake." Violet tapped us on the shoulder and gestured toward the dining table.

We sang happy birthday to James and then he proceeded to cut the cake but Maya stopped him.

"Hey, you have to make a wish, remember?"

"Oh.. I didn't know I had to, I never really had parties like this before." He answered.

"That's alright, just close your eyes and make a wish, but don't tell us what it is. And then blow the candle out." Maya instructed.

He closed his eyes and made wish, then blew it out.

"Let's eat." He said with a smile.

We all dug into the cheesecake happily.

"Guys, let's not forget we have another cake!" Nancy brought another cake into the living room. It was a cake topped with white and blue icing, with the album cover on it.

"Damn this is delicious!" Lars exclaimed, frosting all around his mouth and chin.

"Cheers to Ride the Lightning and many more music to come!" Violet raised her glass and we all clicked them together.

◇A/N: I'm so so sorry for this lazy filler chapter guys 😭😭

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