7. The customer

231 5 33

21 April 1983
4:04 PM

TW: Creepy behaviour

I was at work again, dusting the shelves lined with dust. The shop was mostly empty at this time, people usually came around noon and the early afternoon.

It was finally Thursday. I spent the whole week working and hanging out with Nancy.

I didn't see the boys, but they called yesterday to tell me that they were having a party on Saturday.

Nancy already knew about my crush on Kirk and agreed to go shopping with me after work today to look for a nice outfit.

It was nearing the end of my shift and I was ecstatic. Nancy was gonna come over and pick me up at 5 to go shopping.

When I was done dusting the shelves, I walked back over behind the counter. I pulled out a notepad and started drawing.

I was in the middle of sketching Joan Jett when I heard a voice from the staff room.

"What are you drawing.. huh? Me? I know you fantasize about me all the time Juliette.." My coworker's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

Maya was off today, so my other coworker, Logan, was here in her place. I had only worked alongside him a few times, but I hated him already. I hated how he looked at me with hungry eyes, and always made disgusting comments about my body. I hated how he always found the perfect time to make these comments when there was no one around. I hated the way my name sounded on his tongue. Rough, and nasty.

But like always, I avoided his comments.

He didn't care that I was ignoring him and continued.

"Nice thighs you got there.. What a dream it would be to be-"

The door suddenly opened.

"-up that skirt.." Logan didn't seem to realize that a customer had walked in.

The customer looked at me with a puzzled expression, before turning to Logan.

"Excuse me, what did you just say to her?"

Logan looked startled and turned upwards to see the customer glaring at him with the most intense stare I'd ever seen.

"Oh, um nothing.." It was amazing how timid Logan sounded, opposed to his usual bold approach.

"No, I heard what you said. Bastards like you are the reason why lots of women are scared to go out alone. And how old are you? Like 30? Get the fuck out and go back to your wife and kids!" The customer glaring at him so intensely he could melt.

"Who the hell do you think you are? You can't just tell me to leave, I fucking work here and you're not my boss!" Logan yelled back at him, not as timid as he was moments before.

"Fine! But I'm not leaving you in this store alone with her. I'm keeping an eye on you, motherfucker." the customer threatened.

Logan looked annoyed and shut the door of the staff room.

"Thank you so much. You really didn't have to do that, I usually just ignore him." I turned to look at the customer. He had reddish long hair.

"No, I did have to do that. Has he always been like this?" he asked me.

"Yeah, but he always makes those comments when there's no one else to hear them."

"Fucking coward." he said, still glaring intensely at the shut door.

We stood there in silence for a few moments. I assumed he was gonna go take a look at the books but he just stood there.

"Uhh, aren't you gonna take a look at the books?" I asked.

"No, I was just walking by and I saw you through the window. I saw him looking at you with lust and you seemed visibly uncomfortable. I knew something was up, so I came in to check it out."

I was astounded. "Well thank you for being so thoughtful, most people aren't these days."

He smiled. "So when do you get off? I'll stay with you until then, I don't trust him."

"My shift ends at 5, and my cousin is coming to pick me up. We're going to go shopping and have dinner together." I replied.

"Aw man, I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang with me, but okay."

"Well you could come with us, if you'd like." I grinned, I was starting to really like this guy.

"Thank you.. I never got your name?"

"Juliette Olsen, nice meet you." I said.

"Dave Mustaine, nice to meet you too." he smiled.

I've heard of a Dave from somewhere recently. But from where? Oh well, it's probably not important anyway.

I glanced over at the clock. 5pm.

"Hey, its 5:00, we can leave now." I told Dave.

"One last thing. Can you hand me that notebook and a pen please?"

I passed it over to him and watched as he wrote something on it.

He paused and asked, "What's the name of your coworker?"

"Logan." I replied. I wondered what he was writing.

He stopped writing and took my roll of tape on the desk.

"Can I tape this to the door?" He asked me.

"Sure.. I guess."

He taped it to the wall and looked back at me smiling.

"Done. Let's go."

I finally read the piece of paper.

'GO FUCK YOURSELF LOGAN' was written on it.

I chuckled and looked back at Dave.

We walked out of the store together and onto the street.

◇ A/N: This sounds like a Dave fic lmao. Also I suck at dialogue 💀 ◇

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