3. Pizza

298 7 46

April 16th 1983

I woke up the next morning to someone screaming at me.

"WAKE UP CLIFF!" a soft voiced yelled.

I assumed it was the guy I was sharing a room with. Was he blind or something? Or do I look like some extremely tall, long brown haired man?

Then I remembered I had a blanket over my face, so he couldn't see me.

I heard the door of the bedroom opening and someone came in.

"CLIFF? WHY IS THERE SOMEONE IN YOUR BED?" The soft voice sounded panicked.

"Sorry I didn't tell you someone was coming over last night, I didn't want to wake you up." Cliff told the mystery man.

"Hold on, I'll introduce you two, just let me wake her up."

I honestly wasn't really in the mood to meet anyone new at the moment.

Cliff walked over to my side and shook me softly. He pulled the blanket off my face and whispered "Wake up, I have to introduce you to my bandmate.."

I would be lying if I said that didn't give me goosebumps.

There was no use in pretending to be asleep again.

I slowly got up and faced the guy that was yelling at me this morning.

He had long black curly hair, big brown eyes, and.. holy fuck he was cute.

"Hi.." he said in that soft voice. He smiled at me, revealing his crooked teeth.

Wait.. where have I seen those crooked teeth before? No.. Could it be? No way.. Kirk wore glasses. And besides, he was in Exodus, not Metallica.

My eyes widened as he said the next few words.

"I'm Kirk Hammett, nice to meet you."

"NO WAY!" I screamed. Of course I loved Kirk. He had been my best friend, my platonic soul mate.. But as I looked at him for the first time in years, I felt something different.

"What the fuck, why are you screaming Juliette?" Cliff looked concerned.

Now it was time for Kirk to scream.


The door burst open and James and Lars walked in.

"What's up with all the yelling, we're trying to sleep here man!" James hollered at us.

"I don't know what the fuck is going on either! And you should be awake by now, it's 12 already." Cliff replied.

Kirk explained everything for the other guys. "This is my best friend Juliette, we met in high school and became really close. Until we had to go our separate ways and eventually lost contact with each other."

"Really close in what way?" James smirked at Kirk.

My cheeks burned.

"It's not like that, don't worry." Kirk chuckled.

The sound gave me butterflies but at the same time I felt like he had plunged a dagger into my heart.

"Yeah.." I faked a laugh, trying to hide my sadness.

Cliff gave me an odd look, but seemed to move on from the topic.

"Alright now that we've all met each other, what do you want to do?" Lars asked impatiently.

"Well, can I get dressed first? Sorry Cliff, your clothes are really comfortable but they're so big on me. Can I borrow any of the others' clothes?"

Everybody turned to Lars.

"No focking way. Borrow Kirk's clothes." Lars was acting like a child but to be honest I didn't mind.

Kirk shrugged and opened up his closet to hand me a Misfits shirt similar to the one I wore yesterday except it was sleeveless, and some black jeans.

Everyone left the room to change as well.

We met in the living room when we were all done.
"What do you want for lunch? None of us can really cook, except for Kirk, who can only cook eggs, rice and instant noodles." James asked me.

"We could order pizza?" I suggested.

"HELL YEAH I LOVE PIZZA!" Kirk beamed. His smile warmed my heart.

"Alright, I'll order it." Cliff got up to grab the phone and dial the number.

"Hey, can I invite my friends over?" I think Maya would absolutely love meeting Cliff again.

"Sure, everyone is welcome in the Metallimansion." Kirk said.

"Except Dave.." James joked. Kirk bit his lip trying not to laugh as Lars and James erupted into laughter.

Once Cliff was done ordering the pizza, I called Nancy and gave her the address to the Metallimansion. I was lucky that Nancy and Maya were hanging out together, so I didn't have to make two calls.

When Nancy and Maya walked in, I noticed Maya was dressed up a lot more than usual. Presumably for Cliff. I mean if I were Cliff, I'd definitely fall in love with her, she's hot and her personality is amazing.

"Hi Maya." Cliff smiled. Maya smiled back.

I rushed over to the girls and introduced everyone to each other.

We talked while waiting for the pizza to arrive and they all seemed to get along.

When the pizza arrived we all devoured it happily, while continuing our conversation.

"So, Maya plays guitar, Juliette plays the drums, do you play anything, Nancy?" Lars asked.

"Oh I play bass. We actually jam together occasionally." Nancy answered.

"Awesome! I wanna see you guys play, you can use our instruments downstairs." I never thought Lars would be this nice..

"Hey don't take this for granted, Lars is usually a dickhead when people touch our gear." James informed us.

"Alright, thanks." Maya said.

◇ A/N: Hi there, I've decided to use the ♧ symbol as a divider as it's much faster than typing out so many dashes.

Anyway, I hope you liked it and here's some random facts about the book:

- I planned to name the main character Anastasia but then I found out another Kirk fiction has a main character with that name so I went with Juliette.

- S3x_muRd3r_aRt gave me the name Maya as an idea so credits to her :))

- I picked the name Nancy after Nancy Downs, a character from the movie The Craft. ◇

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